Well I have been one hell of a busy bee today and I am paying for it right now! I am totally exhausted and ready for some sleep but I have a few more little things to do first.. Right now I am on break for a few minutes so I thought I would check in and say hello to you all!
I don't know what happened to my feed again but my posts were not showing up on Google Reader but I think it got fixed. If you depend on reading this blog from either the blogger dashboard or Google Reader then you might just want to bookmark this blog and come back that way. I hate it when things are not working the way they should be. FRUSTRATING! But things are showing up now. I did manage to get the weekly Drugstore Steals & Deals done today.. You can check them out under the pages for all the sale items. I didn't think I was going to get them all done but I did and totally happy they are finished!
Today was all about packing.. and packing.. and packing..
I think most of it is done.. But tomorrow I have some last minute things to pack along with packing my make up and stuff. I don't even think I am taking my pink little make up bag this time. I think I am just going to put whatever make up in my purse and the rest of the items needed will just go into the suitcase. We are packing enough as it is.. so saving room might be a good idea!
I took off tonight once husby got home and got a few more snacks for the ride. I even got some cereal for either a late night snack tomorrow night or breakfast on Sunday. With 2 boys they are hungry all the time!
Speaking of hungry boys.. Tonights dinner was super easy.. and pretty good..

I cooked up a lot of bacon, scrambled eggs and I made each of us one very large pancake..
I put it all on the platter and dinner was served so easy.
We didn't even sit down to eat until after 10pm. Yep.. super late dinner and breakfast was perfect!
I have a bunch more stuff to do tomorrow before we leave. Its going to be a busy day to say the least. I don't think we are leaving till around 4pm and we plan on driving to Alabama and then stopping for the night. I have some posts scheduled that will be popping up over the weekend. So come back and check things out! You can also keep up with me a little through instagram and facebook. I will also try to blog a little when we stop for the night.
Well I need rest.. I am off to bed.
Sweet Dreams
K Jaggers