Acting Green or Being Green??

Monday, July 30, 2012

Around here, I try to go green and organic as much as I can. Its not easy.. we have a serious issue with paper towels. I use them all the time and I haven't been able to make the switch. Maybe it has something with the massive amount of laundry I already have even bigger.. and how hard it will be to keep the cloth towels from being badly stained. 
But there are still ways you can change. Sure, you can act green and maybe shorten the length of your shower, unplugging appliances when not in use, or even using fewer lights.. But you can also update your appliances with energy efficient appliances. If you rent, you might not want to do all these but you can do a few of them. If you update the products in your home, you don't have to change your lifestyles.
ActGreenBuyGreen Acting Green vs. Buying Green

I also tend to hang a lot of clothes out. In the summer I don't like to use the dryer that much, and I am also a fan of no air conditioning. I like it warmer. But husby hates and the kids hate it. I try to turn it off in the evenings when the sun goes down. 
For more information you can always check out who made that great graphic!
So how do you live green in your homes? I would love to hear from you!!

K Jaggers