Garden Update + Video!!

Monday, June 4, 2012
Summer is upon us and everything is growing and blooming around our house!! 

So thought now would be a great time to get a garden update posted! 


This is my first time growing anything in North Carolina.. Here the dirt is a red clay and I had no idea how well anything would grow. To my surprise.. you can see that my tomato plants are really growing! I would have planted more if I would have known how well they would do!

Today I saw my 

first tomatoes growing!! I got so excited today!! This one above is a black tomato varity.. 

Then here are more on another one of the tomato plants.. 

and even more small tomatoes  on another plant! 

My cherry tomato plant is growing but no tomatoes yet! 

The rest of the front yard plants and flowers are doing great too! 

These plants... 

I forget what they are called are growing so big.. 

Also these 

Better Homes and Gardens Calibrachoa are doing great too! 

My Foxgloves are growing spouting out new blooms.. 

And my little herb garden are doing great! 

Check out the dill...

Also the rosemary is really growing too! 

The parsley is growing so much that I have to keep cutting back.. 

The mint is growing over the bricks..

The thyme is still growing but its 

still a little straggly.. but I cut and snip it all the time! 

The oregano is looking great too! 

As is the basil..

and green onions. 

Now on the back deck you can see that the 

potted Better Homes and Gardens Tangerine Calibrachoa.. 

are really growing! I think these look amazing! 

Check out my big big Zucchini plant..

Its huge!! And it has blooms.. 

My pepper plants are growing great too! 

and I love how well my cucumbers are doing great too! 

with blooms.. 

Heres a short video for you!

So how are your gardens doing!!?? I would love to hear from you!! 

K Jaggers