Hello.. I am sleepy so this is going to have to be fast! How was your Monday!? I got a lot accomplished today around the house. I am so happy that I don't have to do an outside job and try to take care of the house and the animals.. becuase I don't think I would have any time to get it all done! Plus keep up with the kids in the summer.
I am happy I got most of the stuff around here done today because tomorrow husby is taking off 1/2 day and will be home with me. I never get as much done when he is home. I am sure I will be hanging out with him most of the day. I am happy too.. because he worked so hard last week and I didn't get to see him much.. so tomorrow will be like a little mini vacation for us! Plus we have some serious things to talk about with some drama going on around here. I think its time for some serious changes.. and I will be talking to him about them tomorrow. Sometimes I get pulled into situations that I really don't like. But it is what it is.. and we will deal with it. I am thankful that my husband is so supportive and loving. We talk about EVERYTHING together.. and tomorrow we are going to find some solutions to some of the current issues going on. Nothing with us.. just some friends going through a few things. Oy! Time for a family meeting! =)
Well I am tired and need to get some rest.. I posted my April Favorites.. You can click here to get to them!
Have a great Tuesday!
K Jaggers