Since Earth Day was just a
couple days ago, I figured today's Tips and Tricks I would do a little post on
Green Cleaning. I don't use a ton of green products but I think I am going to
start making a change. I go for whats on sale normally, green or not! But I do
agree that Green is better.
To read this post in full, click ~ Read More ~ link on the left!
Traditional cleaning is often associated with ordinary cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals are also referred as environmental hazards that are not only harmful to the environment but to human health as well. However with the help of today’s technology, there are now advances on home cleaning products. Natural ingredients are now being used to create green cleaning products that a lot of families are starting to use. . Unlike the traditional cleaning products, green products do not cause adverse effects to our health and environment thus greatly promotes ecological conservation.
You can buy green products or you can make your own... vinegar is a great option!
Here is a great list of what you can do with vinegar around your homes.
Here is an article I found that I thought I would share with
you guys. Its about how green can really save you money!
With the beginning of the new year, there are many predictions and forecasts about the future and the coming 2012. Unfortunately most of the financial experts predict one tough year which makes people thinking of effective ways to save money even when buying cleaning products.
Now experts claim that the green cleaning supplies can save your money and not only the environment. The bad news is that few people realize that and take advantage of such products. The latest researches show that most people prefer to spend less on cheaper and harmful for their health chemicals instead of buying green and non-toxic supplies. The reason : The economy problem in the country.
Experts’ opinion is that people should consider more carefully the benefits of these products and should be better informed about the price they are going to pay before choosing to buy harmful supplies. One of the benefits which an average person doesn’t know is that the cheaper chemicals are intended to clean certain things while the green cleaning ones may work for several or even better – for all of your household items. Then why spending $20 on different chemicals for the different appliances in the kitchen, when you can spend $12 for one green cleaning supply which can be used to clean everything?
Except about their money, people should also think about their health. We all know what damages can the cleaning chemicals cause to our lungs for example. There is no need to ask your Dr. to find out that most toxins can cause skin irritations and breathing problems.
The conclusion is that the cheap items sometimes appear to be more expensive than we thought.
Pretty interesting.. use 1 thing to clean all your home.
Hummmmm...might have to give it a try! Using household items you can clean
almost everything you don’t need 10 different cleaners you just need vinegar,
baking soda, club soda and lemons. These four different items can be used to
clean almost everything and as you know they are not very expensive and you can
find them in almost every store. And remember the key is not how much time and
money you spend, the key is to be save as much time and money you can.
If you just don't want to make your own household cleaners, there are some nice options out there such as..
Green Works are as effective as conventional cleaners but made from plant-based ingredients. Derived from coconuts and lemon oil, Green Works are a practical way for consumers to live a greener lifestyle without compromising performance. The products are biodegradable, non-allergenic, packaged in bottles that can be recycled and not tested on animals.
The Green Works product line includes products for use in the home, including the kitchen and bathroom that range in price from $2.99 to $3.39:
Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner works on grease, grime, dirt, soils and messes, and is safe on multiple surfaces throughout the kitchen and bathroom including counters, appliances, stainless steel, sealed granite, chrome, cooktop hoods, sinks and toilets.
Green Works Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner cuts through filmy residue, and is safe on multiple surfaces throughout the kitchen and bathroom including glass, mirrors, appliances and stainless steel.
Green Works Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, mineral deposits, and hard water, and is safe for plumbing and septic systems.
Green Works Natural Dilutable Cleaner works on grease, grime, and dirt, and is safe on multiple surfaces throughout the kitchen and bathroom including non-wood floors, counters, sinks, stoves, garbage cans and toilets.
Green Works Natural Bathroom Cleaner works on tough stains like soap scum, hard water, and rust, and is safe on multiple bathroom surfaces, including counters, sinks, tubs, tiles, and shower doors.
Here are some Green Facts
17,000: the number of petrochemicals available for home use,
only 30 percent of which have been tested for exposure to human health and the
63: the number of synthetic chemical products found in the
average American home, translating to roughly 10 gallons of harmful chemicals.
100: the number of times higher that indoor air pollution
levels can be above outdoor air pollution levels, according to US EPA
275: the number of active ingredients in antimicrobials that
the EPA classifies as pesticides because they are designed to kill microbes.
5 billion: the number of pounds of chemicals that the
institutional cleaning industry uses each year.
23: the average gallons of chemicals (that's 87 liters) that
a janitor uses each year, 25 percent of which are hazardous.
If you would like to read a little more about this.. I would suggest maybe this
Idiots Guide to Green Cleaning.. I really like these books.. I have a few of them and they are good books!
This Ellen Sandbeck book
would be a good read too!
We are not as green around here as I would like to be. I do
believe that using less energy, going back to basics in about everything.
Hanging out laundry, using the grill instead of the oven, growing your own
food, etc. is best. I really do. A lot of us get caught up in our everyday
lives that we just don’t think about our planet. You alone, can make a
difference. And I love saving money. That’s one of the main reasons, I rarely
use my dryer in the spring and summer. I think the energy efficient light bulbs
are great too. Simple things that make a difference. Even one thing will do wonders. So why not
try green cleaning!?
Do you Green Clean? I would love it if you would email me your tips so I could share it with everyone! Just shoot me your green cleaning tips to !! I will do some posts in the near future of some of the new cleaning products I am going to try out!
Have a great Tuesday!
K Jaggers