Valentine's Day Centerpiece

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
This Valentine's Day, make a beautiful centerpiece with roses and candy hearts. This "sweet" floral arrangement with peeps and candy is so fun and easy to make. Isn't Valentines Day a great excuse for decorating the house in cute hearts and pretty flowers!?

I found this online and thought I would share it with you!

Valentine's Day floral arrangement
What you need:

a small glass and a large glass vase

red and white roses, red heart peeps and sweetheart candy

Valentine's Day floral arrangement

Place a tall and narrow drinking glass inside the large hurricane. Fill the glass with roses and water. Around the sides, pour the sweet-heart candies in the bottom. Place two layers of red heart peeps around the hurricane on top of the candy, voila! A Valentine's Day treat!

Love this.. I think it would look great on any table and would also make a great gift! I like to celebrate Valentines day the entire week of.. so this might just be included in our Valentine decorations!

K Jaggers
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