Just a few minutes ago.. I woke up for like the 10th time today.. this particular time to Willow meowing non stop at my door. I try to keep my bedroom door closed when I am sleeping because I don't want Gabby packing the kittens around to other places. So I opened the door.. Willow and Giovanni came running in.. and she hopped up on the bed and was happy as can be.. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was.. and for what ever reason my eyes read the clock as 11:15 am..Well just a few minutes ago, when I opened my laptop.. I saw that its not 11 am in fact its 130 pm.. Yikes!!!!! Running behind already!
I must have gotten up at least 5 or 6 times this morning due to all the animals. The kittens woke me up.. Giovanni was horrible with scratching on the door because he wanted in my room hoping there would be some food in there for him and Willow just is a little terror at times! No wonder I was so tired! And now that I am up.. all 3 big cats are sleeping!! Assholes!!! However, Super Cooper is still sleeping and not ready to wake up yet! The kittens are doing great! I have another video that I will get up soon!
Well today is going to be about packing up the other spare bedroom, the laundry room, and anything else I can find to toss in boxes. For some reason this move and the packing seems easier than before. Maybe its because with all the moves, I have gotten rid of a lot of things we don't use anymore..The other day Michael asked how much stuff am I going to get rid of this time and I replied with.. a lot.. but really I haven't thrown a lot of stuff out yet.. But just wait till I start working in the garages Thursday.. I bet I toss a lot out when I am working in those areas!
I have some more vacation pictures and videos coming up today and tomorrow.. Also late last night I got a lot of the pictures uploaded on Facebook.. So if you want to check them out they are in the album ~ Crusin' with the family ~ ..
I am not sure I am even cleaning up till later tonight. I think I am just going to grab a box and get started. I am just not really ready to do anything yet..But the later I get started the later I have to stay up tonight. My mom offered to come up to help last night but I think we will be ok!
Well.. I hope you guys have a great day!
Stay tuned for those vacation post that are coming up later!
K Jaggers
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