Disco's Journey!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Boy this little fish had quite the ride to my house.. Let me tell you..It was crazy!!

Who would have thought bringing home one little fish
aka...DISCO.. would be so much trouble!!

I brought a small empty bathroom garbage can to sit this vase down in to transport it in the car.. I was alone so I couldn't really hold onto it and drive..I didn't make it 1 minute from her house before the trash can dumped over..and the fish was swimming in my passenger side floor board..I flipped out..I was on the phone with Scott..Started screaming..stopped in the middle of the road..Jumped out of the car..Ran to the passenger side..I picked up the vase/bowl..thank goodness it still had some water in it.I was really nervous to just pick up the fish with my hands.. I was actually kinda scared..But i grabbed it with my long nails by the tail and it fell on the pavement..OMG..I couldn't believe it.. So I took some fruit out of a walmart bag and used the bag to pick up the fish and put it back in the vase..Then I look up and Scott is there..He was a minute too late! Then his boss comes whipping by..Needless to say..Not such a easy journey for me or the fish!!!

But he was tough..I brought him home..got him some fresh water..and hes doing just fine..

Bet they never ask me to watch the kids! LMAO!!

Soooo thankful Disco is alive and happy in his little home!

Now if we can just keep the cats from eating him for dinner!!!
Just kidding!!!

btw..my friends are MARRIED Now!!!!!

Congratulations Karen and Rick!!!!

K Jaggers
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