Tuesday Greetings!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hello friends!

Hope your having a beautiful Tuesday!

I have been running around trying to get things for Micheal's Birthday..along with running a few household errands. I got his cake ordered..I think he is going to love it! Scott too! God knows, I am going to love eating it! And I have to show those boys what a good cake looks like.!!!!! ( Inside Joke! ) But now I am home and taking it easy for an hr or so! Scott called me while I was out and said we are going out with one of the salesmen and his wife for dinner...Love that I don't have to cook tonight!


I have a few things that I want to try to get done but I am sure not in a hurry to do any of it. I am enjoying today a little more. I have a few post I am going to be getting out in the next few hours. So stay posted!

Its actually a pretty day today. Its only about 64 but the sun has been out all day. Wish it was a bit warmer but I love the sunshine! It makes me feel better..I am struggled with depression all my life but I have found the sunlight and even artifical  light works miracles on depression. It really does..I always have the windows open letting that light flow in...


About the GIVEAWAY

...First if you have not entered please do so by clicking 

 ~ HERE ~

I got a few questions that I want to answer for you!!

* Someone thought I was having 3 different giveaways..NO..I am giving all the brushes to one person. I thought a full set is a better giveaway.. Plus I don't want to have to mail 3 different things! =)

* I will be picking the winner through random.org on Monday of next week.

* The winner has 24 hrs to claim their prize or it will go to another!

* All you have to do is leave a comment on what you favorite brush is. ( the other stuff is for extra entries )

* I made this open to everyone so if you leave a comment without a google account you might want to leave your name with the comment.


Have a great day!!

K Jaggers