Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Last night we enjoyed another great dinner..

Roast with potatoes, carrots along with some fresh bread..

I just took this big roast...

Seasoned it up with steak seasoning and salt and pepper.. I also cut some slits in the meat and added some garlic..

And then put it in the oven at 400 for 1 1/2 hrs..

Then I added 2 bottles of beer to the roast..

Turned the oven down to 250 and cooked 5 additional hrs..

Then in the last hr I added the potatoes

And onion..

And Returned to the oven..

In the last 30 minutes I added some precooked carrots..


Dinner was served!!

I know this picture doesnt do this justice but I had already started eating when I remembered I needed to take the picture..Instead of butter we used dipping oil.. YUMMMMMM...

The guys really loved this meal and so did Courtney!

It was super good and the oven did most of the work!

K Jaggers
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