Night Friends

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
sleepy fairy woman fairy pictures, backgrounds and images

What a day..

I havent felt good most of the day and I guess I have quiet the the grump..

I am not smoking much and on that medication and I think thats making things worse. But all I can hope is that tomorrow is better. I actually just took a Chantix and I am not feeling too good right now..So in a few I am going to try to lay down for bit..Mabye for the night.

I didnt get much done today in my bad mood..I am hoping tomorrow I will get more done. Plus Courtney was here most of the day and its never really easy for me to clean when people are around. I know she has to work and Jake has school tomorrow so it should be very calm around here.

Anyway, I just wanted to say good night..

Talk to you guys tomorrow..

K Jaggers
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