Thursday, December 2, 2010
Last night we didnt have a dinner we had a feast!! I wish I would have took more pictures but I got busy cooking and forgot!

But here is what we had..

Salmon Fillets, Shrimp Skewers, Asparagus, Roasted New Potatoes and for a starter...Ahi Tuna...

Here it all is.. Can you guys tell I got happy at the fish counter!?

Just for people that dont know.. The Salmon is in the back, the Ahi Tuna is on the left front and the Shrimp is on the right front..

Potatoes in first..Just coated them in olive oil and salt and pepper..

Potatoes in..

Then for the Salmon I sprayed some non stick cooking spray on aluminum foil lined cookie sheet..

Then added the salmon..

And into the oven it went..

( know the oven is dirty..cleaning it after I make cookies!)

Got the Asparagus ready...

And then I coated the tuna in Sesame Seed..

Then when the salmon was almost done I added some brown sugar and put it under the broiler until it was really nicely browned..

The shrimp and the asparagus were put on the indoor grill pan till they were all done!

I then seared the tuna in a very very hot non stick pan with some olive oil..It took less than 3 minutes to prepare..Ahi Tuna is normally just cooked on the sides not in the middle..It is served raw in the middle..And trust me its sooooooooooo good!!

Here it is..Served up with some pickled ginger and wasbi sauce..and soy!


Here it is..

Dinner was served..

We also went through a bottle of wine and ate 1/2 of a chocolate cake for desert..

It was a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat dinner!!!!!!

K Jaggers
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