I had to go out and buy another one. I could stop thinking about it! This one is more white and does not curve over. Its bigger than the other one but just as pretty.
Pretty Pink and White Blooms
These are some of the prettiest house plants I have ever seen. So delicate. I have a gift card that I use to buy my next one ~ maybe tomorrow. Then I am done for a bit. I want to focus on the care so they stay alive!
I hope everyone is having a great Easter weekend. I am trying to get lots done. I have been up since 730 and already ran my errands, made the Easter Basket, and picked up the house. I still am working on laundry and soon I am going to start to prepare what I can for tomorrows dinner. Nothing fancy this year..Just good food and good company. Even using paper plates. I don't ever use paper!! But wanting it to be easy and fun without a lot of clean up..
Its a beautiful day. Right this second the weather is perfect. Its 79 with a warm breeze..Our windows are open and its just as peaceful as you can get. Love that about a small town. The birds are chirping and I can can see the yellow flowers in full bloom from where I sit right now. So its a pretty good day. I am going to enjoy a couple of cooking shows and then back to working around here. Baby should only have to work till 4:00 so I don't have a lot of time. I think we might be going out tonight. Not really sure.
Happy Easter
Love, Kisha
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