Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today was Cooper and my first walk of the spring. We have been inside on the treadmill since late last fall. Here are some of the pictures from the journey we took!
Cooper leading the way! Its funny how he knows his way to his favorite spots!
The long bridge that is over the river. Cooper knows he is about to his spot!
Picture from the bridge..The river looks a little dirty today. This river is suppose to be one of the most cleanest rivers in the U.S. You are suppose to be able to drink it..Think I will leave that up to Cooper to find out!
One mile down, one to go...Needed a couple minute break!
This is the dog area that Cooper loves. I really think the yellow flowers look really pretty!
And seconds later he was in the water wanting me to throw a stick! Scott really didn't want him in the water today because he was afraid the water was too cold. But.....Cooper really wanted to swim!
Here he goes!
He was born to swim..This is a face of a happy dog!
And here cooper is leading us home. I am pretty sure he would rather keep playing!
I hope all of you make the most of this pretty day. If the weather is nice we are doing it again tomorrow!
Have a great day!
K Jaggers ♥
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