Scotland through my MOM'S eyes..( 1 )

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ok.. you guys.. I wanted to share some of my moms pictures from Scotland..
I probably won't do a caption with each picture.. but I will do my best to kinda tell you what the pictures are.. This is just one post of a series that I will be getting up! For many of us.. we won't see Scotland for ourselves..
So these pictures are through my moms eyes!
Ok.. she said that many of these old churches hae been turned into pubs and casinos..

I actually think its kinda sad. I am not religious but turning a church into a casino is kinda warped if you ask me..

So this set is by far one of the most interesting set of pictures that she took in Scotland..

She wanted a pedicure and stumbled up this place that does really interesting pedis..

Check it out..

Its a pedicure done with FISH.. I couldn't believe it..


Her and Don both let these little fish

eat all the dead skin of their feet..

I think its kinda Gross but.. interesting to say the least!?

Have any of you guys ever heard of this????????

Ok.. now on to sight seeing..

Don looking all " international "

These pictures are from Aberdeen City in Scotland..

Really beautiful

More to come!

Have you been to Scotland? Let me know if you have and what you liked most about it!

K Jaggers