Pregnancy Updates Week 13 & 14 | Videos |

Monday, June 26, 2017

Hello friends! Thank you for stopping by today. In an effort to finally get caught up on posting my videos over here, you are getting 2 updates in one post! This first update is of week 13 of my pregnancy. It's been so fun sharing my symptoms and happenings of this pregnancy with you. Hope you enjoy! 

And we are moving right along. Here we are moving into the next week. Small changes but still there are some changes happening. 

Here's more about week 14! :) Hope you enjoy the video  

Thank you so much for coming by and checking out these videos. It's been strange being pregnant again and feeling so much. But with each passing day, there are new symptoms, new appointments, new hopes and new experiences. We are very excited about our little boy coming to the world and I love being able to share it with you! xx

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