Hello friends! Happy Monday to you all. I really love a fresh week. It makes me feel good to know that we have a fresh new start. On most Monday's I post a week in review going over some of the things that went on around here. I normally share a vlog and even more photos and ramblings about life lately. This week I am sharing 2 vlogs. The first one, I already shared but in case you haven't watched it yet, here it is.
I noticed I had a lot of footage so I thought I would share it on Friday and share a new vlog from this weekend today! Grab some tea or coffee, sit back and hang out with us. :)
Here's a little more about how our week went...
Around here life has been rather strange. Scott is working in Indiana and we are here trying to pack up the house. Many have wondered how I am coping. Well....it's not easy. I have never really been away from Scott for this kind of time ever. Sometimes I look back and think that we might never be as happy as we once were, but on more positive days I think about how much we've grown since the beginning, about the chances we've been given, and how I would choose this life with him and our kids over and over and over again. I can't explain what has held us together for so many years except love but I think it's what is helping me get through this weird kinda tough time. I am trying my best to stay busy. There is plenty around here to do. Moving from one state to another is no easy task. I spend most of my time packing and or cleaning. I haven't even made much time to film. It's no secret that I am so ready to move but it's a bit sad too in a way. I have loved this state. I feel like I am entering the gates of hell moving back to the area I have sworn off for years. But I am trying to change those feelings. I am trying to remind myself everyday that we are doing this for our kids and our family. It's not just about me. And rather I like it or not....it's home. Many have also asked why Scott had to leave so quick. He actually stayed longer than he should have trying not to leave the dealership hanging. But they wanted him to start right away. Being this is a new area of work for him, we thought it best that he get up there....learn the ropes and find us a new home. I don't want to move the boys if something doesn't work out. We need Scott's income and it's important for that to be a stable area in our lives. It's hard not being together. I miss him a lot and I know the boys do as well. But we are working together to make this happen. It's been boxes, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper and 80's music around here for days. I am on morning shift with the kids now and I am trying my best to be nice in the mornings....normally I am a grump when I wake up. I have been trying to get enough sleep and again...I am prepping as much as I can at night to make the mornings go easier. I have always done the prep work at night even when Scott was taking them. That's nothing new. However, the mounds of boxes around here is really new....a little exciting and a little scary all at the same time!

We were actually running a little late but I really wanted a quick photo before we left. We sat up the tripod...added the camera....set the timer and this was the first and only photo taken before we left! Cooper sure looks cute in that picture. He knows how to pose for sure! I wish the hair wasn't in my eye but it is what it is! :)
After dinner we all came home and totally vegged out the rest of the evening. There was no packing...no loudness...we all just found someplace warm and cozy and relaxed while it rained. Our bellies were full and I don't think any of us wanted to do anything. It was a nice way to end the weekend. So here with are...back with lots of things to do this next week. Here's a few of my to do's.
:: Do a quick clean up of the house.
:: Film a couple of videos later in the day if possible.
:: Put phone down more and focus more.
:: Go through to do list in planner and see what I can work on next.
:: Finish packing up most of the kitchen in the next few days.
:: Get to bed early so mornings are easier.
:: Tackle my overflowing inbox.
:: Try to be more understanding of Scott and everything that he has on his plate.
:: Pre-make some breakfast items for this last week before the kids get out for spring break.
:: Delete old photos from laptop
:: Make some peanut butter cookies. YUM!
:: Make some peanut butter cookies. YUM!
:: Brush out kitty cats this week....Cooper too.
:: Call Dentist and make Jackson an appointment.
:: Clean jewelry
:: Work in planner for a while today.
:: Work in planner for a while today.
:: Buy more boxes and packing tape.
:: Wash all dishrags, pot holders and kitchen towels waiting on me.
:: Clean up DVR
:: Bring 2nd floor boxes to the 1st floor. A task that got pushed off a few extra days.
:: Forget color polish of any kind...do nails with clear polish only.
:: Make just one folder for important papers that I might need throughout the move. File the rest away.
:: Soak and clean pet dishes.
:: Make a little more time to enjoy a good book.
:: Send thank you cards out for birthday gifts.
:: Help Scott look for houses online.
:: Make a little more time to enjoy a good book.
:: Send thank you cards out for birthday gifts.
:: Help Scott look for houses online.
Here's some inspiration to take along with you throughout the week:
Thank you guys so much for stopping by. I know that I have been slacking off with blog post. I plan on doing better. There is a lot going on right now and I do have to prioritize. But I miss being here so I am really going to try to do better. Even through busy times. I hope you guys had a great Easter. I would love to hear about it if feel like sharing! Have a great week. xx
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