Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday night. It's cold and rainy here....prompting us to stay cozy in the house. Speaking of the house, how are you guys doing with the love the home you have 31 day challenge? Are you keeping up!? If you not...jump right in where we are now which is day 9. The video takes you through days 3-8. If haven't checked out the first couple of days, you can find the video right here. These challenges are designed to inspire and motivate us to love our homes a little more by cleaning it up, de-cluttering and remembering what's important. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks so much for watching. I really hope you guys are following a long. I am praying that this helps make our move ( hopefully in the summer ) a lot easier. I want to get rid of things and clean up what we do have before it's time to pack and move! Be sure to follow along on instagram to see daily pictures...including the challenge for today. I'll have another one of these videos up next Saturday!
Thanks so much for watching. I'll see ya soon. xx
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