Checking In

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hello friends. It's been a few days and I thought I would take a few minutes and jump on here to say hello and kinda do a check-in. Days have passed so fast that I just feel like I am never going to get caught up. I guess one day at a time right!? Here's some random jumbled thoughts that will hopefully give you all the updates and happenings. 

- More computer issues. I guess when I switched from Windows 10 back to 8.1 my drivers didn't switch back which caused all sorts of problems. I think we are finally up and working again. I'm serious...switching back and forth is just a big pain in the ass. 

- The cold weather has finally arrived. We haven't got much it has totally arrived on the east coast. I think we are in for more snow tomorrow. I have to admit, I might not like the cold weather that much but the snow sure was pretty. I really hate it for the people who have to get up early and get out in it. Nothing sucks more than a super cold winter morning when you have to get up out of a warm bed. It was also one of the first times that Zane has actually saw, touched and enjoyed snow. For him, the snow was a good day and he just wanted more! While I have been writing this post, the school just called and said no school tomorrow. The kids are totally going to love it! Maybe it will be a day outside playing with the dog and the kids and some hot chocolate later. Sounds fun to me! However, there are only 9 more Saturdays until spring. Maybe there is hope. I just need more sunlight.

- I think my patience with the male species has totally run out. Stories like this one or this one, makes me so sad but even more it just proves to me that men have totally lost it. My hope is gone. It's so sad to me what those women had to go through but I think they will be stronger in the end from their horrific experiences. I am so glad I wasn't born a man. Thank you God. 

- I have been editing a video and I am trying to get it up sometime tonight or tomorrow. I know it's been a few days. Thanks windows 10.

- I cut my hand today doing dishes. It's burning like crazy too.

- Scott has been home all day. Thank goodness for good music and ear phones. I won't even go there. But it's been Phil Collins, Taylor Swift and Pink. Thinking about some Kenny G for the evening hours. 

- I use to really think I hated Sara Palin. I mean seriously this is one crazy bitch. But really how could I hate someone who has gave me so much enjoyment. And she's back at it. Blaming Obama on her son's PTSD all while the dumb ass is all for sending more troops over seas. All while her own son was arrested on Domestic Violence. Why do I take politics so personal?? I have no idea but I am sure her and the Donald will fit perfectly together. Speaking of the Donald, omg.  I just couldn't tune in for the last debate. I have to much going on to actually sit down and listen to his bullshit. The highlights were more than enough. Like I have said many times....You vote counts. If you really want that idiot in the White House then all the power to you. I think it would be one of the most awful things to happen to our country. This man has no patience, tolerance, or understanding of our Government. Our dog Cooper would totally be a better President. And YES he is a Democrat. :)
- What do you guys think of the new blog design!? I wanted something less busy. I found the template right here on etsy. I really like it. Hopefully I will loose my need to change things around. It's simple and clean and hopefully easy for you guys to find what you are searching for. 

- I have all kinds of camera issues going on as well. I plan on buying another tonight or tomorrow. Then I need to get one sent into Sony for repair. Yada...yada...yada. Too many technical issues. Maybe that's a sign. However, I have a ton of reviews and such that I have to get uploaded soon. Like really soon.

- I'm not sure what we are having tonight for dinner but I am thinking pasta. Spaghetti is a family  favorite and sounds really good. Maybe with a salad. Yep. I think I just figured out what to make for dinner. I do have a menu plan but a lot of times we switch it up to suit our moods.

- My hands are so cold. It might be time to break out the gloves even if I am indoors. It's hard for me to actually stay warm. Maybe a warm cup of hot tea would help.

- The plants around the house are not looking so good. I think the colder temperatures are effecting them too. :( We need to probably warm up the house a little more.

- I something in the mail today that I have been waiting on. I love it so much. Don't worry, I will share what it is in good time. :)

- I planned on going to the store tomorrow but I doubt its going to happen with the snow. We might just have to wait until the weekend. Better safe than sorry. And I hope you all are being safe as well. If you can stay so. And don't forget about the animals. Bring them inside!

Anyway, I have a bunch of things I need to do from tossing laundry to make something for dinner tonight. I hope you guys are all doing well. I should have a video up later tonight. xx

3 comments on "Checking In "
  1. I agree with your political views100 percent!

  2. I never feel caught up, and I'm not working. I can't even imagine what it must be like for women who have families and work outside the home.

  3. Well I am not going to address the political issue because you know how I feel about our joke of a president....oops did I just type that?lol. I like the look of the blog design but I have to say that I hate you having the links in pink. It is too hard for me to see and then when I open them they open in the same window. Other than that I totally love the new design. I so seriously need to get me a new one.


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