Hello friends! I hope you are having a great morning. Today I am back with another Vlogmas video for you guys! Vlogmas or Vlogidays ( last year ) can mean different things to different youtubers and or bloggers. Most of the time it means a daily vlog each day. I am kinda going to go at it in my own way this year. I am hoping to vlog daily but I will sometimes be switching it up! I am not going to announce any changes before hand but instead we will just roll with it together in the moment. So here's to the holidays with some new Vlogmas videos. Hope you enjoy!
I am so happy to be getting close to wrapping up Vlogmas. I will still continue my weekly, sometimes bi weekly vlogs but I am so over doing it daily. I have a little footage from yesterday however it was a travel day for me and we were exhausted by time we got home. Monday will be the next vlog and that's the way it will be going through the next year unless I have something I want to share more of. I am going to do my best to get back with my regular videos but I don't know what my normal schedule will be. Right now I am planning a new video a day but I know realistically that might not always happen. I have enjoyed sharing our lives with you guys for so many years. I want to get back to a place where I can blog more and share some random post with pictures and such. Not just all work. I want to get back to where I enjoyed it. It's been a process of learning and I am figuring out things as I go. I hope you understand.
Today I should have got so much more done that I have. I woke up early, drank a pot of coffee and just enjoyed a quiet day in the house. Zane was up late so he slept in which I know he appreciated as well. Too bad Scott isn't here with us. I do have a few things on my list that I still want to get done before I snuggle up in the bed tonight.
- toss laundry
- quick run to the store
- easy dinner
- vacuum first floor
- spend 30 minutes in the garage cleaning it up.
- answer some Christmas cards and maybe some youtube comments
- enjoy hot bath and get to bed early so I can head out to get Jackson at 7am. Yikes!
I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas. The kids still have a week off of school so we are not really 100% back on schedule but we are going to make the most of the time we do have together. Thanks for stopping by. Tomorrow I should be back with a new quick food haul!
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