Hello friends! I hope you are having a great day. I'm sorry that I have been MIA for about a week. Sometimes I just need breaks! Today I am back with not one but two Vlogmas videos for ya! - Trying to catch up! - Vlogmas or Vlogidays ( last year ) can mean different things to different youtubers and or bloggers. Most of the time it means a daily vlog each day. I am kinda going to go at it in my own way this year. I am hoping to vlog daily but I will sometimes be switching it up! I am not going to announce any changes before hand but instead we will just roll with it together in the moment. So here's to the holidays with some new Vlogmas videos. Hope you enjoy!
The vlog above takes you through Thursday - Sunday. I just didn't want to break out the camera last week much being we were dealing with a lot and just trying to get things back to normal.....which brings me to my latest Vlogmas vlog from Monday! :)
In this video I take you through yesterday. I feel like the hours pass so fast during the week. The sun sets so early and I just don't feel like I have enough time to get everything done. But again....I am totally trying to catch up!
Today I am vlogging plus making a new video and review that will be up as soon as I can get it all done. It will most likely be tomorrow but I can't wait to share it with you!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you all have a wonderful week. I plan on trying to get some lights hung outside today after I finish everything else. Christmas is coming around slowly in the house but that's ok. Little by little we will get festive. :) I still have a lot to do throughout the week. Be sure to come back and check out our latest vlog each day!
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