Week in Review May 11-18, 2014 | With 2 DITL Vlogs! |

Monday, May 18, 2015

Hello friends. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Right now as I type, we are driving down a very long and wet highway making our way south. It's pouring rain and Scott is at the wheel driving us through a thunderstorm...NERVE RACKING to say the least. Thanks to teathering, I am able to get online until the battery runs out. But I do think I can figure out a way to plug it in if I really want. Anyway, I am back sharing a new day in the life vlog from the weekend. I didn't do a ton of filming due to me having to pre film, edit and upload tomorrows video.

This past week has been a roller coaster ride. We have had slow easy moments and then we have been so busy that we have just collapsed in the bed. In case you missed the vlog from the first part of the week, here it is! 

It was just a mix of everything this past week and I didn't even take a ton of pictures. I kept busy most of the week and was able to check off a lot in my planner. This week is a little different than most due to us traveling but here are some of my to do's.

:: Make it to Louisiana tonight and get some rest.
:: Take care of things tomorrow and head back home.
:: Clean out fish tank. All the fish died again and I am tired of all the money we are loosing. No more fish for a while.
:: Drink more water.
:: Put up laundry that is waiting on me right now at home.
:: Go through bills...and get them paid.
:: Try to get ahead of video schedule...yet again.
:: Groom the kitty cats and have Scott bathe Super Cooper.
:: Figure out summer schedule with ex husband.
:: Go through handbags and do a huge clean out.
::Get back on a better sleep schedule.
:: Work in planner and figure out the weeks ahead.
:: With my knee feeling better, it's time to get back on the treadmill.
:: Reply to emails.

I am skipping the rest of the normal contents of my WIR blog posts today. Sorry but working in the car is not the easiest! Thanks for stopping by! If you are new here, I'd love it if you got subscribed!
