Spring Household Shopping Haul! | Video |

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon. We seem to do a lot more shopping in the spring for some reason. I guess it's all the yard work and maintenance, pretty days and so on. This haul is a spring household haul containing a lot of our regulars plus a few new spring items. Hope you enjoy.

Also before the sun sets tonight I have a spring clothing haul that I am going to be sharing with you too! Plus...in tomorrows Day in the Life Vlog, you will see a small patio haul too! See...it's all about the spring shopping! Thank you so much for coming by. I know I need to be blogging more but we have been pretty busy but I am hoping this next week I will have some extra free time for blog post. If you are new here I'd love it if you took a few minutes to subscribe! 
