Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. I have been staying up on the second floor today cleaning it up. I normally don't like to work by floors but yesterday I cleaned the 1st floor really well and today is the 2nd floor. So I am breaking right now to share with you a recent birthday haul. Scott and I went and did some shopping and I thought I would share what I got. It's spring after all....and time for a wardrobe update! Hope you enjoy!
As I mentioned in the video, I got a huge stack of new books also for my birthday. I will be back this weekend sharing that with you guys so you can see my spring and summer reads. I wanted to take a little more time to devote to what I am reading and why. So stay tuned!
I have to get back to dealing with the massive amount of clothes our family has. I try really hard to take one old thing out whenever a new piece is added but it doesn't always work. So I am doing a huge clothes over haul of sorts and I stop for long or I might not start again! Ha! I hope you guys are having a beautiful and blessed afternoon. I'll talk to you again soon! If you are new here, I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!