Happy Sunday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon. I am back with another Sunday Inspiration blog post. It's just a time when I can look back and concentrate on the miracles, challenges, and happens that God has put into my life. Hope you enjoy. ♥
Parenting is so hard. This past week has presented our family with new challenges of having a 13 year old daughter....who of course, is trying to grow up way too fast. Her father and I both feel as if it's time to slow her down a little bit but it's very hard. In one way we want to treat her like a child but expecting her to be more grown up at the same time. Finding just the right balance seems to be next to impossible. We want it be God, Family, Education, Husband, Baby. In that order. But as our little teenager tries to find her way in this world, we are feeling the pressure of everything. Right now there is a certain boy that she likes but at 13 years old, there is really no space for boys. It just isn't happening and while some may disagree, her father and I are pretty serious about it. I keep hearing that kids are doing things sooner these days, and it just makes me so mad!! They are doing things younger because they are either not being watched or allowed to do it. Like my sister said...they should be doing things later and later...not earlier and earlier.
Right now I am pretty sure we are not her favorite people. But when lies are told, trust is broken and it doesn't get repaired over night. We want her life full of positive experiences that will fill her soul. We want her to thrive...but in the right time. Hopefully one day she will understand how much we love her. Its hard parenting. I will say it over and over and for a mother, you only as happy as your saddest child. I never understood till right now how painful parenting can be. It's heartbreaking at times and being we are the adults, we have to set the example and take the lead. I am seriously considering a move to be very close to her or moving her here for a little extra mom time. She has lived with her dad for years because we wanted the kids to be happy but it's time for a switch. I hate the town where she lives, that I grew up in but I am willing to go back there for her.... and the rest of the kids. I am also willing to just pull her out of there and give her a totally different environment.
I pray for my kids everyday. I want to know that when I am just a faded memory, they can take care of themselves, are good loving people, who are living happy lives. That's my one wish for all the kids. I also hope my wisdom will help bring them some peace so I can help them see things in a different way. With the grace of God, I pray I can do this with love and acceptance.
I know that they have their own journeys and a path God has already laid out before them. I am merely a influence. As as we enter these troubled waters of teenage years, I am quiet nervous. Every decision we make or action we take, will highly influence all the kids. The true pressure of parenting is upon us and we really ask God to light the way for our family. We also have two 12 year old boys are also trying to find their place in this scary world. We also have a older son who is scared of relationships and a older daughter finding her way with her own kids and family. God has blessed us with an amazing family but a family with challenges and obstacles to learn from. Everyday is a new opportunity to find God and each other in new ways. And believe me, the kids are teaching us along they way too. We are just putting our trust in God, hanging on and get through these teenage years with as little damage as possible. And know that God will bring us out of it stronger and better. xx