Hello friends! I hope you are having a great evening. Since we are in a new month I thought it would be fun to share this reflecting blog post. If you feel like doing it be sure to come back and share your link with us so we can come check it out!
Seeing: My kids really grow up. They are all changing by the day and it's a little scary. I want them independent and strong but I also want to hold on. I guess it's just part of parenting.
Cooking: More and trying to eat out less.
Drinking: Way to much Mountain Dew and not enough water.
Reading: The cat that came for Christmas. I need to finish it but it's always harder for me to find time to read.
Hearing: Good news about one of our kids. We have been going through a situation with one of our boys and we actually got some really good news today! I wish I could share it but I am limited on what I can tell you. But it sure made us feel really good...which is a change!
Wanting: Spring to come fast. The weather has been so hard on many of us this year. I just want it to warm up.
Looking: at a chalkboard wall that has to be update. Being it functions as sorta the family command center means I have to really keep it up to date.
Playing: a lot of Kenny G. I think the music he makes is so beautiful. I could listen to it all day long.
Wasting: less and less food by having the boys eat left overs. I cook enough for a couple dinners or for afternoon lunches with pretty much every meal. It's been saving us money to.
Bookmarking: lots of houses I am interested in. I still want to move when the time is right.
Understanding: that it's hard to deal with the criticism that comes with making videos and blogging. I just have to ignore it. I only know how to be me.
Wishing: We could go on a warm vacation. Like I said... I need the sun, the warm weather and the ocean. I need it.
Touching: soft furry cuddly kitty cats. Romeo is the love of my life.
Enjoying: All the new tv shows on! Reign is one of my favorites and I love American Idol too. Both on tonight!
Waiting: on my husband to come home. I hate it when he has to work late.
Planning: for the month of February. I should have a new planning video up soon!
Liking: my nails this week. Actually another woman, not the regular lady who does my nail did such a good job this week!
Wondering: If my 13 year old daughter is listening to anything I say. I bet not.
Loving: My new phone. It's so much better than the old broken phone I had. We are all happy with our new phones!
Hoping: to keep to the schedule I have been trying to stick to. It's been going well and is helping me keep up with everything I want to do.
Hating: How we all tend to fight over the hot water. Scott and I are always at odds with who is getting their shower first!
Needing: to set up some family Dr. Appointments. Scott has been sick for a week and I need to go as well. Sigh.
Smelling: the aroma of freshly baked bread flow through the house. It smells a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
Wearing: nothing sexy that's for sure! I'm in sweats and a tee shirt today. I don't see the point why I shouldn't be comfortable if I am working around the house.
Pinning: all my videos. I really fall behind with pinterest but all my videos are current now and it actually makes me feel better.
Learning: more about Goldfish after 7 died yesterday. Yea...we are in shock.
Teaching: myself better ways to parent. I keep reading books and articles online about being a better mom to each child of ours. Each one has to be parented in a different unique way.
Noticing: Our dog Super Cooper is actually loosing weight. Yea! It's so much better for his heart and health.
Tasting: as much produce that I can buy. It's hard to find anything good in this season but I have been craving it like crazy.
Knowing: The women in my life so helpful and kind to me. They are very close to my heart.
Thinking: About how I want this new planner series I am starting is going to roll out. I am so excited to show you some 2015 planners that you might love!
Opening: Wayyyy to many smartie candies. I gobble them right up!
Giggling: at all the silly conversations that my best friend and I have. You could seriously write a best seller based off our conversations.
Feeling: grateful for God hearing our prayers.
February: Will fly by. It's a short month and we are breezing through the days. I hope since it's the month of L♥ve we all take a little more time to spend with the people we love and remind them why they are so special in our lives.
Thanks for coming by. I should be back in a few hours with a new vlog. No matter how late it is, I will be sure to share it on here as soon as it goes live!