♥ I didn't do the dishes last night because I didn't cook. However, leftovers can bring lots of dishes too and they are in fact, in the sink waiting on me......and they will have to wait a bit longer but I will get to them in a while.
♥ I am looking for a new pillow case just for our cat Gabby. She sleeps on a fluffy pillow all the time like she is a Queen or something so I think I am going to have a speciality pillowcase made for her. I can cross stitch so maybe I can try to do it myself. Idk... but want to get her one.
♥ Scott made the coffee this morning. If it was any stronger, it would walk out the front door. I had to empty 1/2 the pot and filled it up with hot water. It's better now but I am sure after a couple of cups, I will have one hell of a caffeine high. :) → And Scott, use 1/2 the coffee next time!
♥ My mom told me today that she is sending me something that should make my trip up north easier. I asked her if it was holy water because I feel like I am entering the gates of hell when I am in Indiana in the winter. I hate it but this year, we are spending Christmas with the kids up there so I need all the help I can get. Thanks mom for whatever it is! ♥
♥ I need to pick up cards for who is not going to be here Thanksgiving and get them sent out asap on Monday... or even today if I can get it done fast enough.... nope! It will have to wait till Monday.
♥ Jackson is being so quiet it's like I am here alone. I can't get him to go outside much...he likes video games, you know killing the " bad guys ", and he's just quiet. I wish he would get out and make more friends. But I guess that will happen in his own time.
♥ I should be up making a video for tomorrow. It's a new giveaway so come back and get entered tomorrow afternoon! Like I said... I still have to film it. And clearly I am running behind!
♥ I worked a lot on some new video titles and end slates last night. I am forcing myself to learn a new video editing software and it gave me good practice.
♥ I watched Frozen last night. I didn't know what all the hype was about so I watched it. It was totally cute and I see why so many people like it!
♥ I am starting to work on my Thanksgiving menu. I am not going to have a huge dinner because I think its only going to be 4 adults and 1 child. So I am not making as much but we are going to have a beautiful dinner.
♥ Omg.. one of Jackson's friends just showed up. Maybe the universe saw those typed words and helped out! Totally shocked right now.
♥ Last night I got in my big bathtub.... started a youtube video and in walks Scott. He had already taken 2 showers but got in and proceeded to:
- Complain that the water was too hot.
- Complain that the video was too loud.
- Thought I was splashing him...yep. I was the one actually taking a bath.
- He didn't particularly like having to hand me all my bath products that were located behind him.
- He took up a ton of space and freaked out when I turned on the jets.
- And fell asleep sitting up.
I ended up kicking his ass out and finishing my bath in peace. It was nothing romantic. He just invaded the bath which is normally a place of calm and peacefulness but last night he gave me a run for my money. Tonight I am locking both doors! :)
♥ I talked to my uncle today who I think I upset when I told him I hate pitbulls.. because he just got 2 puppies. I won't change my feelings of those seriously being dangerous dogs but that is his choice and I am sure they are cute puppies. I just worry about when they grow up.
♥ Thank you to everyone who entered the Target Beauty Box Giveaway. I wish I could give everyone a box but I have a ton of giveaways coming up so stay tuned and keep trying!
♥ I have a ton of mail that I want to sort through today or tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff that I need to take to the post office so I am hoping to get to that job sometime this weekend.
♥ Tomorrow we are having a big family cleaning day, I am actually going to make little list for everyone including myself. I am sure the boys are going to hate it but we have company coming and I need their help.
♥ Our internet keeps going out and they tell me it's because of the cold weather It totally pisses me off.
♥ I feel so bad for the outside cats. I don't feed them as much because I know they are eating at tons of different houses and we have 4 of our own cats to feed but it's sad that they are having to deal with the cold weather.
♥ My little laptop is running kinda slow right now. I am defragging the hard drive so it will perform better. Normally on Saturdays I clean up the computer because I work so much on it. Hopefully it will run like a camp when its finished.
♥ I have taken 3 phone calls while writing this post... which is the reason its going up in the afternoon!
I hope you guys are having a wonderful Saturday. I will be back in a bit with video showing some very simple Thanksgiving desserts that any person can make regardless of their experience in the kitchen. So stay tuned and check back later!