Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup.. join in anytime! Hope you enjoy. 

1. My hubs spent last weekend pheasant hunting. Are there hunters in your family? If so, what do they hunt? Which of the following have you tasted-pheasant, rabbit, venison, duck, goose? Which of those would you most like to taste, or be most willing to taste?

Vegetarians keep calm and Hodgepodge on.

I grew up in a hunting family but that didn't turn me into a hunter. Really in this house we don't kill anything for sport. Now my ex husband and father are deep in it but it's just something I don't really think we should do unless we are planning on eating it otherwise it's just cruel in my eyes. 

2. What high spot have you visited that gave you a wonderful 'bird's eye view' of something below?

We live in the mountains so there are always great places to get a birds eye view of the area. One of our most favorite places with some of the most beautiful views I have ever seen have been at Lake Lure. 

We hiked hours up to that flag...exhausted ourselves but the views were simply amazing. 

3.  Do you have any birds in your home? These could be either real live pets or decorative, as in bird prints, knickknacks, fabric or pottery.

Nope not a ton. I like birds but we have 4 cats and there is no place safe in the house where the cats can't get to it. One time I even hung a big cage in the middle area of the room hoping the cats would cope and not get to it.. However, they were seriously swinging from the cage. I learned quickly there is nothing I can do to change a cat's nature. And for some reason...keeping a caged bird inside doesn't really feel right to me anymore. Maybe it's the animal lover in me that just hates to cage any animal. I do really like birds though.. so I guess I am just going to have to live with the little song birds that sing to me on a daily basis in the spring, summer and even now.. they are still out there every day chirping and singing. I totally love it. I need to get out some bird feeders to help them while things start dying down for winter. I am sure going to miss them while its cold. 

4. Tell about a time you 'killed two birds with one stone'?

Boy this one will shock you guys. But I recently found spy software that monitors everyone's phone in the house. And that's killing more than 2 birds. Yep.. husby and kids. And I don't keep it secret either. I have trust issues and I would rather know than guess on just about everything. And to be honest it gives me a sense of peace to know they are telling me the truth and it also gives me the stark reality when they are being dishonest. In my home transparency is mandatory.  Plain and Simple. And my little phone software is killing 4 birds with one stone! :)

5. Your favorite song with a bird in it's title?

When Doves Cry - Prince -

6. What most recently gave you goose bumps?

The other night I was squat down in the laundry room floor grabbing out clean towels from the dryer when I swore I heard my son talking to me. I even respond with something like " hold on "...I could hear him still rambling on about something and continued get them out. When I was finally done, I went busting into his room, asking about what he was saying and saw him sound asleep in bed. I can't explain it but it sure spooked me and made the hairs on my arm I guess that is kinda like goosebumps. Maybe I am going crazy and hearing voices but I really could hear him talking. Idk. 

7. Halloween is this Friday...any plans? Did you trick or treat as a child? Carve pumpkins? Share your most memorable costume.

Oh gosh... my most memorable costume would have probably been a smurf. I was painted all blue and it was messy and awful to get off. But I totally loved being a little smurf! I was also a smurf in the fall school festival parade but that time it was super cold and I was miserable the entire time! This Halloween I think Jackson might be going out with one of his friends. He didn't want to go but now he does....and I think I will be making some kind of spooky Halloween dinner! I think its still fun to do that no matter if you have little kids or not. Its a great simple way for adults to celebrate without a big costume party or going out. Oh! I think later this afternoon after school we are carving pumpkins! Husby is going to be off work early so hopefully we have a good time doing that together! 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I seriously can't believe how fast October has gone by. Soon we will be in another polar vortex freezing our butts off. To me it seems like we barely had a summer and now we are entering the shorter days and its going to be just that much harder to find motivation. I really have some big jobs to do before it gets cold like cleaning out the garage and getting the deck winterized and so on. Another sign we are done with October is little Jackson's birthday!

He turned 12 on Thursday. He is very eccentric and picky but we gave him the exact birthday he wanted and I think he was pretty happy with the way it turned out. He didn't want a party.. but he had other birthday demands that were a breeze to do instead of party planning. I can't believe he is already 12 years old.  My daughter will be 13 November the years are really passing by. No wonder I look different in the mirror now. Life is moving right a much faster rate than I ever expected.

I hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day!