Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup.. join in anytime! Hope you enjoy. 

1. What's your favorite time of day? Why?

I hate to say this but it depends on the day normally sunset is my favorite part of the day. Here in South Carolina we have some amazing sunsets that I love. So yea... sunset. 

2. Waffle iron, toaster, coffee maker, mixer, blender...which small appliance would you say most needs replacing in your house? 

All my small appliances are in well working order but if I had to pick one it would be the coffee pot. I want a new one but not just any. I would totally buy DeLonghi Magnifica Compact Bean to Cup Coffee Maker. We have a nice one already but this is my dream machine retaining for around $550-600. I can't justify that right now but its a dream to get a machine like this. Whether you have a certain preference on how your coffee is ground, how much froth you like on your cappuccino or the temperature of your cup of coffee, it pretty much does everything. Yea... I am totally dreaming with this one! 

3. It's National Grouch Day (October 15)...what's something that makes you feel grouchy?

Well, my soon to be 12 year son hates hates hates doing his homework. After listening him to complain for minutes on end, I become pretty grumpy, pretty fast. 

4. Ever been to Canada? Is that a country you'd like to visit? According to Trip Advisor, the top ten best destinations in Canada are-Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Victoria, Calgary, Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Whistler, and Halifax. Which city would you most like to see?

No I have not. My husband has to been to Vancouver and loved it but I don't just doesn't seem like some place I am anxious to go. Tropical sounds better. 

5. What was your favorite food (or one of your favorites) when you were a child? Is that still a favorite?
My family made a ton of delicious comfort foods and I still love warm hearty meals. I just made a big pot of beef stew and it was simply amazing! 
6. Do you cry easily?

Omg. Do I ever. It doesn't take much. I am going to be turning 39 not too far off so maybe its starting to become hormonal but yes. A commercial can even set me off. I hate it too and always wear water proof mascara! 

7. Have you started your (gasp!) Christmas shopping? If so when, and how much? If not, when will you even begin thinking about it?

Nope... and I won't start thinking about it until the beginning of November. I am going to do gifts as always but I am not spending a ton of money this year. I will spend the most on our kids but I am just not going crazy this year. I hate going in debt buying gifts and I hate over spending. So I am making a budget and sticking to it. Plus we are heading up north for Christmas so we will have to pay for travel and hotel too. Yea...not even ready to think ahead that far! 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Its been a wet cold October the last few days. I am hoping today that it dries and warms up. It was so hard watching the rain come down, tornado sirens going off, and finding motivation to do anything productive. My husband is off work playing in a company golf tournament so its going to be a long quiet day. I have been doing my best to feel better by starting the day with a quiet mediation and prayer. Its kinda a new morning routine where I try my hardest to go to bed with a good thought....wake up when I can have some alone time to start off the day. Take a quick shower, praying and mediating on the beauty of the day and reminding myself to try to live in grace and love, then taking a few minutes of my time to sit in solitude in natural light and think about maybe a particular bible verse, positive thoughts, and ending it by giving thanks to the day ahead. Its been a challenge to make myself do it but it has helped make me calmer and more confident to take on the day no matter what it gives me. 
I hope you have a beautiful Wednesday! 
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