Back to School: Lunch Box Essentials - Video & Corresponding Blog Post -

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hello friends! I hope your evening is going well. I am back tonight to show you what has been making my life much easier when it comes to packing lunches. As I have said many times its been a journey getting back into the new 2014-2015 school year. And yes, we are well into and I am just starting to feel like I am catching up! If you want to check out lunchbox packing station and some tips I have learned along the way...have look a at the video. More pictures and information below!

I decided to use my large cabinet that I use to store stemware and jars to convert into our lunch pack station. It worked out really well because with the exception of a few wine glasses, the top of the cabinets are not being utilized.

On the top shelf of the cabinet, I keep a small cooler, some extra lunch bags and even some of our on the go cups and thermos containers in case we want to pack a hot lunch.Everything fits nicely in that area and its easy accessible to anyone. Even little Jackson can hop on the counter and get something if he needs it.

On the middle shelf I have everything you would need to package any lunch item. That includes a lot of the Rubber Maid Lunch Blox items, baggies of all sizes, other rubbermaid containers that I found for cheap at the Dollar Tree. I also keep extra forks and such that come with take out that can also be used in any packed lunch. You can find what ever kind of food storage container that you would want for any lunch on this shelf.

On the bottom shelf I have a couple of containers that hold snacks that I like to have just to quickly be able to toss little extras into the lunch box. Just quick little items that are premade. Some of the quicker items I have packaged myself. A good tip to building up a good lunch supply is to take a few helpings out out each bag of the family chips and snacks. I just zip lock them up and they stay fresh while allowing me to build up lunch items easily. If I was just to leave the lunch items in the pantry the boys would just eat it up super fast. If its in this cabinet they know they are not to touch it at all unless they are packing a lunch. Simple as that. 

I hope this video inspires you to make a little lunch packing station with the items you use the most. It really does make packing lunches either the night before or the busy morning of much easier. I would love to hear any of your lunch box essential tips if you care to share!

Have a beautiful night.