Late night hello to you all! I don't know what is up with the late night blog posts but here I am.:) I am back with day 3 in the #blogeverydayinsept hosted byWhitney at Love Letters & List. Feel free to join up if you like! Here's todays prompt...
Wednesday, Sept. 3: What is your earliest memory?
I have a really messed up memory but for me my earliest memories include my brother trying to prove me to me that if you swallow bubble gum it will come out your belly button. I swear. I had to be somewhere around 4 or 5 years old and swallowed probably a couple packs of gum trying to make it happen. Little did I know that big brother had fast hands moving the gum from his mouth to his belly button. That would really have to be my first true memory.
Then from there, I remember riding around in a alley with my dad on a motorcycle in which I screamed my head off. I couldn't understand for the life of me why anyone would want to ride around on those loud machines. My dad could tell from my reaction that I would never ever be ok hanging on for dear life on a donor cycle. thanks then and no thanks now. Nope.. No. No.
Hope you have a wonderful night. I'll be back tomorrow....sweet dreams.