Monday, September 1, 2014
Hello friends! I am back with a late night post for you guys! My sister in law Trina pointed me in the direction of this daily blogging challenge hosted by Whitney at Love Letters & Lists.

Here's today's prompt..

Reintroduce yourself to your readers. Tell us what you want to get out of blogging everyday in September.

So in case you are new to this blog my name is Kisha! I am 38 years old and currently live in beautiful South Carolina. I married the love of my life in April 2011 but we have been together for a total of 10 years now. Its insane that we have that much history together but each day we keep learning new and interesting things about each other.

I have a older son Jordan and I also am the proud mom of Brittany & Jackson who are 11 & 12. Actually soon to be 12 & 13 years old in the coming months. They are seriously the best things that have came from me. They are always teaching me something new and I hope one day they will understand how much I truly love them.

Most days I am running around here like any stressed out busy stay at home mom. Our life is not one of the perfect pin-able pintrest homes. We have lots of kid stuff around the house, pets running wild, and sometimes you can barely put your thoughts together with all the noise and commotion going on around here. But its my life and even on hard days, I know I am blessed. 

In addition to being a busy and most of the time tired stay at home wife & mother, I also blog daily and  make youtube vidoes. I love blogging. I have been doing it for a long while and its still my first love. However, its so much easier to share a recipe via video instead of taking 30 pictures and trying to write a complete blog post to go with it. Yea.. video is easier! In addition to my main youtube channel where I post my housewife life videos I also have a vlogging channel where I post our vlog style videos. Just in case you want to get to know us a little better, I included our Couples Tag Video that hopefully will give you an insight to our loud, crazy, fun loving life. Hope you enjoy. 

I hope with this linkup, I can meet even more great bloggers. I have made so many wonderful relationships with so many of you guys. I totally cherish all the emails and conversations I've had with other women though blogging and making videos. I hope we can all lift each other up and be an inspiration to each other. Blogging and even making videos is about sharing. I love sharing our lives with you and I hope through out the month of September....I create more bloggy friends than ever! Click the button to the left if you also want to join in. :) See ya tomorrow with day 2. Have a beautiful & blessed night. ♥

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