Helloooooo....Very Busy & Off Schedule Day.

Monday, August 25, 2014
Hello friends.... I hope you are having a great evening. Its been kinda crazy around here and I am just getting able to settle down long enough to type out this blog post. The only reason I have time right now, is because dinner is cooking on its own in the oven. Thank God. 

I woke up pretty late today but that's understandable because I wide awake until after 5am. But once my feet hit the floor there has been no stopping. 

I was happy to find when I was dreaming away, 4 boxes were delivered right to my front door. :) I thought it was a great way to start my day. But it didn't work out that way. Before I could break out a knife to open my boxes, the air conditioning guy showed up to service and fix a few of the problems we have been experiencing showed up.

I shut the door on him for aprox 5-6 minutes while I got out of my pjs and put on some clothes. I also poured my first cup of coffee. 

He was here for almost 2 hours and very active. He was very busy and wanting me to be interactive so that took up a lot of time. 

Tossed laundry around....folded and put away one load and added the next bunch to toss/tumble clean and dry. 

Next cup of coffee.....still in need of some serious energy. 

More phone conversations that took place today including one with my ex husband. There were a few issues between him and Brittany that I had to address. He was actually convincing and I kinda felt bad for him. He said....

" I give her everything....I buy her everything .....what else can I do? All I want are good grades and her to help around the house some. " He's right too. But he acted wrong in a few ways and that conversation lasted a while. 

Talked to my sister in law for a brief moment....blogger stuff. 

All while I was hoping to start my day working on my normal WIR Monday blog post. Yea...it didn't happen and still hasn't happened. I have yet to even edit that video still. 

The nurse from Jackson's Dr. called....another long conversation. 

You guessed it.. another cup of coffee.....realized at this point, coffee was going to be breakfast today. 

Emails are piling in....and I have not one second to answer any....and I also have a ton to send out. 

Forgot Coopers breakfast and meds..SHIT! 

I finally get started doing my weekly cleaning on just the second floor. The entire time I was thinking about the blown out Monday schedule that totally went to hell. 

Best friend calls....only have a few seconds of conversation before we are interrupted by even more phone calls cutting into the line....on my end. 

Husband calls and says we are moving out of this house if the issues don't get fixed. Grrrrreat... after 2 years I just started decorating it. 

I vacuum the second set of stairs and landing...Jackson walks in from school. He's huffing and puffing about having to ride the bus home with a stack of papers I need to go through and sign. 

Finally sat down to send an email out about not getting an etsy item. She is reshipping it and we'll see if it really arrives this time. Not happy. 

I grab some left over breakfast sausage links, pop them in the microwave and call it lunch. ( at 4 pm ) 

After I gobbled them down I chopped up potatoes, carrots and an onion.. put a fresh chicken on top and toss right in the oven to do all the cooking tonight. 

Put Cooper on the treadmill. Gotta get him in better shape plus he is a ball of energy. 

Back upstairs to toss Laundry around...and switched into a comfortable pair of sweats. 

Husband calls and says he is helping out a friend and won't be home for a while. Grrrrrrrrr......but I am totally ok with it. Just wasn't expecting it. 

Chicken in the oven is smelling up the house making me even hungrier than I already am. 

Went ahead and posted a Mary K Haul on youtube. So much for staying on schedule. WIR will be up tomorrow. 

Watered all the outside plants. It sure would have been nice if it had rained so I didn't have to do it. 

Homework time with Jackson. Going over the 7 continents and oceans. Thank you Jesus that it wasn't math tonight.

On Break..→ Current Time Now ← writing this blog post. :)

Still to do tonight:
  • Have dinner with Jackson very very soon...he is in the shower right now. 
  • Stay away from the coffee pot. Only actual food from this point. 
  • Go through stack of papers he brought home
  • Edit Week in Review video & start working on blog post
  • Call and check on Brittany 
  • Empty Dishwasher and clean kitchen from dinner
  • Put away laundry
  • Feed Cooper
  • Get Jackson's stuff ready for school tomorrow. 
  • Work on emails 
  • Enjoy long bath....but in reality it will probably be a fast shower. 
  • Work in planner...lots to catch up on. 
  • Finish laundry
  • Fall into bed.

 Lets hope tomorrow goes more according to schedule! Hows your day going!? 

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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