During the day on Friday I just worked around the house pretty much. After having company, it takes a while to get things cleaned up again. Its funny.. you clean for company and then you clean after company. I am still still dealing with stress and anxiety so its has taken me a little longer to get things done around here. I am finally starting to feel like my old self but its been a long week trying to get myself feeling better. Last Monday was basically awful and its took a toll on me in every way. Thankfully though, I have stopped vlogging for the most part which allowed me to focus on feeling better and getting the house back in shape. However, I am pretty concerned about Cooper. Everyone who knows me, knows I am totally a cat person but my heart goes out to Cooper. He's the oldest animal in the house and he's starting to show it. His hips are bad, hes over weight and Friday he slept most of the day on the couch. So I have decided to go out and find his butt a big bed. I don't care if we have to pay $300 for it. I want a place that is soft and comfortable for him without having to jump to get to it.
Scott was working hard to get me feeling better and wanted to go to the Spartanburg Spring Fling Festival. I wasn't really in the mood but it was a chance to get us all out as a family on a beautiful night. They had the bike teams down there racing around the city....Scott and I got ourselves some gyros along with some nachos for Jackson and we enjoyed the night watching the bikes go around and around!
Have a look...
And Jackson had a blast zip lining down the street. I wasn't so sure about doing it over pavement vs over the trees but Jackson had no fear and went for it......a few times!
Once we got back home, it was time for bed. Like I said, not vlogging everyday is totally freeing up my time at night and I have been loving it. I have been going to bed sooner and I don't have the feeling anymore that I HAVE to do it before going to sleep. Nope! I just got in my comfy bed and dozed right off.
Its normal for my weekends to start with Jackson in my bed. He always comes in to cuddle and wake me up. Its pretty smart if you ask me... he is totally sweet and funny which always makes me wake up in a nicer mood! I started out my day pretty easy enjoying the news and then I put on Pride and Prejudice which is the perfect movie for a early Saturday afternoon. Once I got up and moving, I worked outside watering and fertilizing all the plants. I am so amazed at how beautiful those knock out roses my mom got me are. They are simply gorgeous. The cats watched from inside and then got a little mad when the outside stray came up and wanted to eat. I cant stand seeing any animal being hungry so we just feed them all.
Later in the afternoon I tuned into some 80's music and got busy cleaning up the first floor. Scott is more than aware that this past week I have really been struggling in a lot of ways and has been pretty supportive over the house. He just left me alone about it and let me to do it at my own pace. He knows its a lot of work and understands the stresses of this particular week.
I really am blessed to have a mom that will listen to me in any situation and who always supports and loves me. There are not too many people in my life that I trust but she is at the top of the list. Life wasn't always easy growing up. I lived with my grandparents and missed her a lot. But more than anything, I know she fought for me.. I know she loved me.. and now that I am an adult, I value her more than ever.
Scott woke up early...before anyone else and got himself awake and productive. When I got up, he was busy trimming the hedges and doing yard work. It took him forever to do it but gosh.. it looks so much nicer than it did. He finally got Jackson out there to help which was a miracle within itself. And he sure wasn't happy about it either. Super Cooper was also out in the yard bouncing around and enjoying the pretty day too! They finally gathered up all those limbs and bushes and started a fire out in the back yard to get rid of them. Its nice that we are allowed to have fires in our yards in this neighborhood but its still dangerous burning anything close to the house. But Scott kept the hose out there and watched it the entire time.
Once they got done with all the yard work, Scott suggested that we clean up and head out for a day date in the mountains. I thought it would be a great chance to spend some alone time together. Its not always easy carving out time for just us but today he managed to fit it into the schedule! We hopped into the bug, put the top down and took off for whatever adventure that came our way. We drove for a while looking for the perfect place to have a glass of wine and some simple elegoant snacks but most of the places were closed due to it being Sunday. Somehow we wondered by a sign that said - Pearson's Falls - and found our way through the mountains to this beautiful private owned park. We walked about 3 miles total to get the massive waterfall and it was amazing. Neither of us expected to go hiking today but I am so glad we did!
And just for a few minutes I felt more at peace in that spot than anywhere else over the past week. It was simply breath taking and the sound of the water coming down the rocks just made me feel like I was at home.
I also thought that it would be the perfect time to bring you along with us. So I made this video of our afternoon that is now up on my glam gossip channel. See, I will still be vlogging but not as I had before. There are differences and I know some of you don't like it but its really what's best for us. 1 vlog a week or a travel or shopping vlog is fine but everything about our lives is changing and I think keeping that private for the most part is best. But I still hope you enjoy the content that will being going up on my glam gossip channel. Here's the video in case you want to have a look!

- Search for an Orthopedic bed for our dog.
- Work on getting the house cleaned up even more with my weekly cleaning today and tomorrow.
- Catch up all laundry before our trip.
- Notify Jackson's teachers that he will be missing school Monday and Tuesday of next week.
- Get the chalkboard wall cleaned...TODAY! I just didn't get it done yesterday.
- Get the next week all laid out in detail in my planner so I know what is going on way ahead of time.
- Find hotel or Bed & Breakfast for Friday - Monday in Louisville Kentucky.
- Get socks sorted. YESSSS... I am finally doing away with the sock basket. Wooooo-hooooo!
- Order flowers for our moms! Mother's day is right around the corner!
- Call and make Dentist apt for Jackson
- Get clothes ready for trip
- I am pretty sure that I am going to change the layout and design of the blog in the coming weeks. We'll see. :) Its a huge job to do so I really gotta make sure its something I really want before I do it.
- Film videos for my main channel early so there is content up even though I will be on a mini vacation!
- Whiten Teeth. Its that time again.. to get rid of the stains!
- Get family pictures together in a slide show to share.
- Find a new garment bag.
- Reply to emails
- In regard to the daily vlogs... I read some of the comments on the Pearson's Falls Video and I thought I should address a few things which I will probably record later. I do think the friends and viewers I have deserve an answer to some of the comments but its just at that time to slow down. I know people think all the mean comments ran me off.. which they didn't help but I was ready for a break anyway. My head has been a mess for a while and I am feeling kinda nervous of sorts. But I should have a video up later talking to the people who really do enjoy sharing our lives. So stay tuned.....hopefully it will answer some questions for you.
- Water the plants outside...which I quiet enjoy! Its always like a mini vacation for me.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!

I really enjoyed this weekend recap. I will miss your vlogs but completely understand your need to step back from them. I personally don't feel you *owe* me as a viewer anything. I chose to follow your vlogs and blog but respect that sometimes people make a decsion for a reason that for them. Anyway, I am happy to see you are doing well and taking some time to enjoy life with your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your life on this blog.
*reason that is good for them and no one else's business.