Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Happy Easter to you all! I hope your day has been filled with love, bunnies, and candy! And of course I hope you took a few minutes to remember what Easter is really about. Sure, its adorable for the kids, but its also a major time in our history. Explain why. Now don't get me wrong. I don't believe a lot of the stuff in the bible BUT I think all of our kids should know what it says so they can form their own opinions. God's love is ever lasting. I sat here talking with Jackson about what Easter means and how Jesus rose from the dead on Easter. He sat here and listened patiently and then hit me with about 100 questions! I am not the one who can answer all those questions but it was good that he was curious enough to ask! Jackson has been reading the bible since he could open a book which I think helped create his sweet spirit. I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with your family and friends! We are not really celebrating like we normally do because we are having a big Easter dinner next Saturday when my family is here. However, we did do big baskets full of candy and surprises!  Ohhh.. and after Easter is a wonderful time to schedule dentist apts for the kids! I will be back in a bit with with yesterday's vlog and a spring tour of the house!

Happy EASTER! 


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