Hello friends! I hope you are having a great evening.. I am here tonight with a new planner update! In the video below I show you how I keep my blog and youtube channels organized with my Erin Condren Life Planner. I showed this in a open box video already but in this video I show you how I actually use it. If you want to check out this blog and youtube planner... enjoy the video below! As always there are more pictures and info below.
This Erin Condern Calendar is in Candy Lace. What I love about these Life Planners is you can personalize them in so many ways. You could add a picture of your family or a beloved pet.
This is a super nice planner that I have really grown to love. I bought a ton of accessories that I also showed in the open box video. While all the accessories are great I find myself using the notepad more than any of the others. But I have really fallen in love with this planner. It pretty durable and the colors make it a lot of fun to use. I don't know about you, but using a planner just makes me feel better. I strive from making lists and having a plan to follow. I stay on track much easier that way. This Calender is designed with a monthly outlook and then the weekly layout in between each month. It gives gives me plenty of room to write down all the notes I need for my blog and youtube channels.
This planner comes with blank stickers that I use in lots of different ways and I also had some of my own stickers made to suit this planner like I showed in the video above.
I love the notepads. I recommend if you get any accessories it would be the paper pads. I use them all the time and will have to place a reorder soon. And I love that they are customized like the planner.
It does contain a see through zipper pouch which I don't use much because I keep most of my planner supplies in a very convenient bag. If you want to check that out.. you can click HERE but you can also find that video below!
I am including some of those older videos too. I think the first calendar I videoed had many different planners and I actually think I had a problem then. I was writing everything.. and I mean everything down. I worked on that and now only keep 2 planners which do make things easier.
I also already showed my Day Planner in full. I still love planners like these and the filofax planners but right now its put up with all the others ones I have until I feel like using it again!
Lists really are the key to me being more productive on a daily basis. I really do thrive with lists and I show in this video how they work for me.
I also show how I started a smash book planner. It was super fun and I might plan this way again. However, I used the wrong kind of book and it was getting HUGE. So I scratched this idea.... for now!
In this video I show all the different planners and organizers that I was using at the time.. which I have changed up but this system worked for me for a long while.
In this video I show you the Erin Condern Open Box with the Life Planner and accessories. It was such a fun day for me opening that box up!
If you want to see how I keep my planners and planner accessories together.. check out the video below. I love this system which has really been working for me lately!
Another Video I thought I would share is How I stay focused and motivated to get more things done. I really go into detail with all the things that helps me stay focused. Maybe it could be helpful to you!
Until next January I will be using this planner for my blog and youtube content. I still might get another for next year. I thought about having 2 of these for 2015.. One for my life and one to plan content in. Idk yet but I really like this planner. I love how its set up and it works great. I don't really feel I need the weekly part for my channels but I use it because its there. However, if this was my weekly life calendar, I would totally use the space. So rather you use this for your blog, or your life.. or maybe even for school...it will work great! The stickers are nice to use in random ways but they are permanent. One you put them down, they stick! I would love to hear from you if you have an Erin Condren calendar that you love too! I will be giving one of these beautiful planners to one of you lucky friends in my spring giveaway in a couple of week... so be sure to come back and get entered!

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