Weekend in Review w/ Videos & Vlogs February 14- February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014
Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. I woke up kinda late today but it felt good sleeping in and waking up to a quiet house. I love the boys.. I love spending Sunday's with them but I won't lie.. Quiet Mondays are always nice. Mondays are a fresh start to the week and normally I have a lot to do around the house. I did some of that work yesterday and last night to make today easier but right now.. I am still waking up and trying to get my to do list going of all the things I need to accomplish today. This past weekend was pretty nice.. everything about it is ↓ below! 


Friday was the day of love for all of us! Around here, we celebrate with flowers, candy, cute cards and unique gifts. For most of the day I had on my CUTE Love is in the Air Old Navy Shirt. I thought it was totally fitting for the day of love! 

We had a lovely day filled with candy, flowers, and l♥ve. I got Scott the hidden Message Tie from Red Envelope which he seemed to really like. We finished the night off taking Jackson to a sweet Valentines dinner. We enjoyed steaks, lobster, and wine while little Jackson enjoyed Dr. Pip, hamburger and fries. We all had a lovely time and a delicious dinner. Scott was pretty tired on Friday and ended up going to bed as soon as we got home. No romantic night Friday! Its ok.. we have been together for 10 years. We had tons of romantic nights and I didn't mind that he just wanted to come home and get some rest.

Ohh... and Jackson had been home since Tuesday because of the snow. Scott was out of work Wednesday and Thursday himself because of the weather. Believe me.. I was happy on Friday for a little peace and quiet! 


Well Saturday I woke up feeling kinda bad and grumpy. I didn't record or take pictures of much. I tried to just fake it but husby and I seemed to bicker back and forth a lot and it was just not a good day. I bascially laid around the house, enjoyed lots of hot tea and pretty much stayed in my pjs most of the day. 

I have to say, I am so obsessed with my big beautiful Romeo. He is seriously the coolest cat ever and I could just kiss him over and over and over. I love all the cats. Let me be clear.. I am Gabby's favorite and Romeo is my favorite! He is just a big beautiful boy that I will have until his last breath. And he might look old but he's not even 2 years old right now. He has a birthday February 25 and I plan on making him a special birthday cake to celebrate! We all were in bed pretty early which was nice. 


I woke up Sunday morning with my bad mood gone. Thank God. I tuned into Joel Osteen and started the day out right. Afterwards I got busy responding to emails and comments on youtube. I got an email re Rocco from a youtube friend who lives in the area. She had always wanted a Persian but it was just too big of an expense for her family. She watches our vlogs and knows I am shutting the cattery down and asked if I had a cat available for her family. So I mentioned Rocco.. Top row. and they want him. They vlog too so I can check in on him anytime. Its bitter sweet. Husby doesn't really want to let him go but we don't need so many cats now if we are not breeding them. And in order to keep Rocco I would have to fix him so he wouldn't breed with the girls. So he is moving out this week. Probably Thursday. I'll hate to see him go, but I am sure he will be very loved.

I got cleaned up Sunday afternoon and Jackson and I went out to do our weekly grocery shopping. It didn't take that long because we still have a lot of food from last week. While I was gone, husby gave the kitchen a good once over. I was totally grateful for that. He was happy too with his job well done and ended up having some wine. The kitty cats got there buzz too with some fun catnip. It was so fun to sit there and watch them. They loved it. It was just something fun to do with the kitties. :)

I ended the night doing laundry watching Downton Abbey. I am so obsessed with it. The interesting thing about this show is that it's not only about the rich family.. Its also about the servants and all their drama. And then watching what happens when both bottom floor and top floor comes together. Its so good and I hope its around for a very long time.
That pretty much wraps up my weekend! How was yours? Below you will find my weekend videos and vlogs and this weeks upcoming to do list. Hope you enjoy!

Weekend Videos:

Huge Teavana Haul

♥ Valentines Day 2014

Weekly Food & Household Shopping Haul 

Weekend Vlogs:

Happy Valentines Day February 14, 2014

Tealicious Tea! February 15, 2014

Catnip High! February 16, 2014

To-do's and Goals for the Week: 
  • Create something cute on chalkboard wall. 
  • Get Rocco groomed up before he moves to his new home.
  • Spend some time in the office cleaning and organizing. 
  • Look for new desk. 
  • Supervise the wall being fixed from where I ran into it in the car. 
  • Check in on Penoi and Benny. They both moved into a new home together. :)
  • Get nails and toenails painted. 
  • Give the coffee pot a good cleaning. 
  • Sew pocket in purse...which pisses me off. 
  • Spend more time on knitting scarf. 
  • Bake some treats for the boys. 
  • Go over sorting clothes with Jackson. There are two specific baskets.. why is that so hard to understand?
  • Work on first zone cleaning video. 
  • Try to pamper husby a little more.. need to show him I love him more.

Take some time to explore My housewife Life Youtube Channel. Check out all my recent videos in the first row and browse through all the different categories of videos (like Beauty, Cooking, Pets, Trips and much more!) located in the bottom rows. You can also subscribe to my Youtube Vlog Channel  where I post daily vlogs of all sorts! Be sure to subscribe to both and be the first one to learn about newly released videos! 
1 comment on "Weekend in Review w/ Videos & Vlogs February 14- February 17, 2014"
  1. I think I want to start watching Downtown Abbey. My best friend is obsessed with it and I keep hearing good things.


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