Sunday Inspiration

Sunday, February 16, 2014

dear God quotes religious quote god religious quotes prayer pray religious quote
Happy Sunday Friends! I hope you are all having a beautiful afternoon. The snow is finally melting here and things are starting to warm up. I don't know what today holds but hopefully its a better day than yesterday. Husby and I were pretty grumpy with each other last night. Sometimes its so hard living with other people. However, I expect today to be much better. We are all taking today easy. We have all watched Joel Osteen on tv being we all slept in too late to go to church. But that's ok. We can take a little time right here at home to worship. And I think the messages from Joel are great for everyone in every situation. So that's the start of my Sunday. How is your Sunday going!? I hope you all are warming up a little bit. I am so tired of snowy days and nights. I want it to warm up so we can get outside more. Fingers crossed that it comes soon. Today is the birthday of my sister in law daughter. Heather passed away a few years ago but today she would have been 25 years old. Shes very missed by her mother and family. I am sure its a hard day for my sister in law but I know Heather is always close and will forever live on through her children and through the memories we all hold so tightly in our hearts.

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

1 comment on "Sunday Inspiration"
  1. Thank you Kisha for including me and Heather in your blog today. I have to say it brought me to tears with just the few lines that you wrote. Thank you for thinking of me and Heather on this wintery Sunday. We love you and miss you bunches. Hugs and kisses.


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