Happy Monday Friends. Well I am not too happy about getting up early this morning to get Jackson to school but I am glad for a fresh week. Monday does not make me love the weekend any less. This weekend things seemed calm and normal. After the busy holidays, its refreshing to have a weekends that we can stay home, in our very comfy jammies and relax for a couple days. Jackson totally deserved it after having such a great week at school. I am so proud of him. He went all week with just one bad mark for talking in the hallway. And believe me, that's a huge improvement. :) So he got to relax and do some fun things too this weekend!
I consider Friday a part of the weekend. I really do. Its the last night I have to get up to an alarm clock for a couple days. Scott still has to work on Saturday but he does get off a couple hours eairler. Anyway, Friday came and I stayed home and worked around the house. Fun I know but I actually enjoy being home and being able to get things done. Including making videos. There are days when I film and edit 3 videos which is a lot for just one day. Friday I managed to film my husband approved Crockpot Bean & Bacon soup. It was a cold and rainy day.. and perfect for the chilly night.
Friday Vlog & Videos
Saturday was a total late start resulting to Jackson and I hanging out in our pjs most of the day. I piled in on the bean bag and watched tv with Jackson for a while which he loved. He needs more mom time. I get busy a lot and forget that he gets bored and lonely. I have to learn to play better but we had a great afternoon together. His giggles light up my life.
Later in the afternoon I got busy making a few more videos. And guess what?? I was totally in my pjs when I was shooting. You can't tell can you!? Its amazing what a black shirt.. and a little mascara can do for a girl! :) I was happy to announce the winners of the MgDeo Giveaway and catch up a little bit! Be sure to check out that video ( below ) because there are things I don't want you guys to miss out on! Its packed with blog/youtube info.
Also Saturday I made our beloved cottage cheese pancakes. Don't get put off with the cottage cheese. You won't even know its in them and it makes the hot cakes so light and fluffy. They are thin like a crepe and taste amazing. I videoed that recipe too and you can also find it below. These have been an all time favorite for years around here. They were the perfect dinner for a lazy day!
The rest of the night was pretty calm and quiet. Scott is in his 40's and I am close behind and our life has changed so much. We are not the same wild people we use to be. The kids changed everything. Scott says we are just getting old! Maybe so but I can't complain. I don't really get bored and Scott ended up ironing all night to make his week easier. We should send his clothes out but we save so much money with him doing his own ironing. And yes.. I have done it many times but he goes back over it so whats the point!? I had a nice night in and prepared for the upcoming week too with planning out the meals, paying bills and figuring out what we are going to be eating this weekend.
Saturday Vlog & Videos
To be very honest, we were suppose to get up and go to church this morning but Scott didn't feel good and I didn't wake up so that didn't happen. So I read my prayer book as always and tuned into Joel Osteen. I figured it was better than nothing and it was totally uplifting! Who doesn't Joel? I think he has another book out that I have not read yet, so I am going to have to buy one. I love my kindle but I still like real books too.
Scott still wasn't feeling good so Jackson and I left him at home to go do some shopping. Of course shopping with Jackson makes the bill go up higher but we had a lot of fun so it was worth it. I filmed a food haul and snacked the rest of the night. Most Sundays I go shopping and just don't feel like cooking so we normally snack and find easy finger foods for dinner.

The rest of the night I worked around the house catching up on laundry and trying to get a little cleaning done so I don't have so much to do today. Plus I had to be up early to get Jackson to school so my night flew by. I didn't get to sleep until a little after 2am- woke up at 630am and living on coffee right now hoping like hell it kicks in soon. I need the energy. If I sit too long, I will for sure doze back off and I have too much to do today to go back to sleep. I hope you guys like the videos from the weekend and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already!
Sunday Vlog & Videos
Happy Monday!

I consider Friday a part of the weekend. I really do. Its the last night I have to get up to an alarm clock for a couple days. Scott still has to work on Saturday but he does get off a couple hours eairler. Anyway, Friday came and I stayed home and worked around the house. Fun I know but I actually enjoy being home and being able to get things done. Including making videos. There are days when I film and edit 3 videos which is a lot for just one day. Friday I managed to film my husband approved Crockpot Bean & Bacon soup. It was a cold and rainy day.. and perfect for the chilly night.
Friday Vlog & Videos
Later in the afternoon I got busy making a few more videos. And guess what?? I was totally in my pjs when I was shooting. You can't tell can you!? Its amazing what a black shirt.. and a little mascara can do for a girl! :) I was happy to announce the winners of the MgDeo Giveaway and catch up a little bit! Be sure to check out that video ( below ) because there are things I don't want you guys to miss out on! Its packed with blog/youtube info.
Also Saturday I made our beloved cottage cheese pancakes. Don't get put off with the cottage cheese. You won't even know its in them and it makes the hot cakes so light and fluffy. They are thin like a crepe and taste amazing. I videoed that recipe too and you can also find it below. These have been an all time favorite for years around here. They were the perfect dinner for a lazy day!
The rest of the night was pretty calm and quiet. Scott is in his 40's and I am close behind and our life has changed so much. We are not the same wild people we use to be. The kids changed everything. Scott says we are just getting old! Maybe so but I can't complain. I don't really get bored and Scott ended up ironing all night to make his week easier. We should send his clothes out but we save so much money with him doing his own ironing. And yes.. I have done it many times but he goes back over it so whats the point!? I had a nice night in and prepared for the upcoming week too with planning out the meals, paying bills and figuring out what we are going to be eating this weekend.
Saturday Vlog & Videos

Scott still wasn't feeling good so Jackson and I left him at home to go do some shopping. Of course shopping with Jackson makes the bill go up higher but we had a lot of fun so it was worth it. I filmed a food haul and snacked the rest of the night. Most Sundays I go shopping and just don't feel like cooking so we normally snack and find easy finger foods for dinner.
The rest of the night I worked around the house catching up on laundry and trying to get a little cleaning done so I don't have so much to do today. Plus I had to be up early to get Jackson to school so my night flew by. I didn't get to sleep until a little after 2am- woke up at 630am and living on coffee right now hoping like hell it kicks in soon. I need the energy. If I sit too long, I will for sure doze back off and I have too much to do today to go back to sleep. I hope you guys like the videos from the weekend and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already!
Sunday Vlog & Videos
Happy Monday!
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