Monday has arrived with such force today. I stayed up way too late last night watching the grammys and then Downton Abbey.. needless to say I haven't had much sleep. The only thing keeping me up right now is the strong ass coffee I am drinking. I do feel blessed that husby does so much better on the morning shift than I do. He has been GREAT about getting Jackson up for school and not making me drag myself out of the bed. School here for the kids starts so early. At 7:30am the first bell rings. Through all my years in school and even in college I don't think I ever had a class start that early. They do get home sooner but I think its awful early for kids.
This weekend was super nice. I loved spending it with my family.
Friday was such a realxing night. We must be getting old because we were all too happy to stay home. Well, we did run a few errands but we were back home pretty fast. Plus being its freezing outside, we all like to stay in. Scott however is getting spring fever. He broke out the putting matt and started to practice. But the entire house of kitty cats decided it was there time to practice their own golf games! They were totally mesmerized. He kept putting they kept guarding the holes like they were hockey goalies! It was priceless.
Sunday came easy for all of us around here. I woke up to a yummy hot cup of coffee that Scott made. I make the coffee Mon - Sat and Scott does it on Sunday. Well, I almost felt like a princess with my delicious cup of coffee. I just laid back and enjoyed it sip by sip! It took a while on Sunday for me to get motivated to go do the grocery shopping. I got my little list, my new purse, and headed out. I love that my list stuck right to my purse. I was able to see everything I needed without having to carry a list around with me. It worked great and I was out there pretty fast. I love having a well stocked freezer and pantry because it makes our weekly shopping so much easier. I don't have to buy a ton of stuff because I already have it. I came home and enjoyed a night with Scott, Jackson and the animals. Its funny Benny ( In the pic below ) loves him so much. He is always on his lap or laying on his chair. We ended the night watching the Grammy's. Gosh I have a lot to say about it but maybe I will save that for another post. Taylor Swift however, sounded and looked so beautiful.
I kinda wish I wouldn't have told my daughter that it was on last night. Queen Bey opened the show. Totally not appropriate for 8pm tv. Not like I am a prude but I am a mom of a 12 year old little girl and the last thing I want her seeing is a singer/stripper who is singing about " Drunken Love". Yea.. I guess I should have known it wasn't a family show and totally regret my daughter watching that. But I will have another post up soon about my thoughts on the grammy's. Tune back in for that one.. :)
Here are my weekend vlogs that you can watch...if you like!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great new week. I have lots to do today including filming the giveaway winner to the Epicare Facial Hair Remover in just a bit. If you entered please come back to see if you are the winner!
This weekend was super nice. I loved spending it with my family.
Friday was such a realxing night. We must be getting old because we were all too happy to stay home. Well, we did run a few errands but we were back home pretty fast. Plus being its freezing outside, we all like to stay in. Scott however is getting spring fever. He broke out the putting matt and started to practice. But the entire house of kitty cats decided it was there time to practice their own golf games! They were totally mesmerized. He kept putting they kept guarding the holes like they were hockey goalies! It was priceless.
Saturday came soon enough. I spent a lot of time planning trying to figure out what was going on this upcoming week. I really believe that planning your day leads to living your life. Sometimes we all need a little help with all the things floating around in our brain. I like to get all those thoughts down in my planners. Then it was time to move on to our smoothie saturday. For brunch on Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays, we love to make smoothies. Jackson actually suggested I start recording them because he loves it so much. So I took his idea and recorded our first Smoothie Saturday video! :) I think each Saturday I will record a new smoothie recipe that I can share with you guys. This past weekend it was - My Super Smoothie - with berries and such. Soooo yummy! Also on Saturday I seemed to spend a lot of my time at the damn fireplace. It really does take a lot to maintain a fire. I spent most of the day scooping ashes, tossing big pieces of wood in...getting splinters...but having the house nice and cozy made it totally worth it. I couldn't have been happier when husby came home and took over those duties for me.
Sunday came easy for all of us around here. I woke up to a yummy hot cup of coffee that Scott made. I make the coffee Mon - Sat and Scott does it on Sunday. Well, I almost felt like a princess with my delicious cup of coffee. I just laid back and enjoyed it sip by sip! It took a while on Sunday for me to get motivated to go do the grocery shopping. I got my little list, my new purse, and headed out. I love that my list stuck right to my purse. I was able to see everything I needed without having to carry a list around with me. It worked great and I was out there pretty fast. I love having a well stocked freezer and pantry because it makes our weekly shopping so much easier. I don't have to buy a ton of stuff because I already have it. I came home and enjoyed a night with Scott, Jackson and the animals. Its funny Benny ( In the pic below ) loves him so much. He is always on his lap or laying on his chair. We ended the night watching the Grammy's. Gosh I have a lot to say about it but maybe I will save that for another post. Taylor Swift however, sounded and looked so beautiful.
I kinda wish I wouldn't have told my daughter that it was on last night. Queen Bey opened the show. Totally not appropriate for 8pm tv. Not like I am a prude but I am a mom of a 12 year old little girl and the last thing I want her seeing is a singer/stripper who is singing about " Drunken Love". Yea.. I guess I should have known it wasn't a family show and totally regret my daughter watching that. But I will have another post up soon about my thoughts on the grammy's. Tune back in for that one.. :)
Here are my weekend vlogs that you can watch...if you like!
Here are the Videos for over the weekend in case you are interested!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great new week. I have lots to do today including filming the giveaway winner to the Epicare Facial Hair Remover in just a bit. If you entered please come back to see if you are the winner!
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