The Runt who Grew up & a Thank you ♥

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Thursday friends! I hope you are getting a good start to the day.... I am still pretty damn sleepy but I can only blame myself for staying up later than expected watching tv. Yesterday I did a lot of online work, got busy around the house AND....Jackson had another GREAT day! Woooooo-hooooooo! I am so very proud of him. Today he gets to leave school early for a Dr. apt which totally makes him happy! If you want to see what else I got into... enjoy the vlog below! 

TIme for MORE COFFEE!! Have a great day.. I'll be back in a bit!

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1 comment on "The Runt who Grew up & a Thank you ♥"
  1. Good to hear he has had a couple of good days in a row....keep up the good work and it will pay off.


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