Happy Saturday Friends! I am waking up.. trying to figure out the day ahead of me. I am letting today be an easy start with lots of coffee and a cozy fire to start. Scott and I were so tired last night. We both just fell in the bed and was asleep fast. Here are some of the thoughts bouncing around in my head today..
- I need to run to the post office later today or tomorrow. Its just piling up waiting on me.
- I feel so bad for Kate Gosslins kids who went on The Today Show and froze up. I think its time that those kids get a big break from the cameras.
- I need to work on the grocery list for shopping trip on Sunday.
- I plan on running to the dollar store at some point today for cleaning supplies.
- I am making breakfast for dinner tonight. Seems pretty fitting for a Saturday night in.
- I need to spend at least 30 minutes practicing knitting today. I am a very new beginner and there is lots learn!
- I feel like changing the font on here but not sure...what do you think?
- All the cats need to be groomed.. yea, that's an all day job that is NOT happening today. But very soon.
- My husband is surprising me with something big.. and he told me everyone knows but me. Ha! I know something is up because when my mom calls, he runs outside to talk.. wonder what those 2 are up to?
- I plan on filming 2 or 3 videos today. Lets just hope I can find the motivation to get my ass up!
- My sister and I have been talking a lot more.. which I love. For the longest time, we both were so caught up in our own everyday lives that we didn't make time to talk. We would talk over the holidays and special occasions but now we are chatting so much more and I love it!
- I had too much wine before bed last night and it knocked my ass out. However, I woke up feeling pretty good this morning.. thank goodness I am not sitting here with a huge hangover.
- Jackson did good in school for almost 2 weeks in a row. However yesterday he got too marks because he said " the chocolate got to me and I just couldn't stop talking!" I am not too upset about that but he better not let it happen again!
- I am learning a new video editing software and it sucks. I love movie maker because its so damn easy. Now I am trying to learn something new and its going to take some time to figure it all out.
- I have ordered some of the prizes for my big giveaway. I am still figuring it all out but I think I have 5 great prizes that you guys will love!
- I am trying to not be upset with the neighbor boy decided to hot rod his 4 wheeler around in all of our back yards and woke up me about 9am. I am sure hes been waiting all week to ride that thing so whatever.
- Cooper seems to be feeling better. So far no more seizures. Thank God because that was one of the scariest moments we have ever had with the dog.
- I want a fire this morning but I don't want to do the work it takes to build it. Yea... turning up the heat is much easier.
- I missed out on Wednesday Hodgepodge, So What Wednesday and Thankful Thursday this week... you can see how well I am doing at balancing my time.
- Time for a coffee refill!

I hope you guys have a great weekend! I'll be back in a bit!
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