Weekly Grocery Shopping $ Savings $ December-30-2013 - January-6-2014

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today was shopping day for my household. I decided that for this trip I would buy AS MUCH ON SALE that I could. I totally shopped this weeks sales by going to my local grocery stores online ad ( Ingles ) and planning from that. Plus with what I already had in the house. I made my quick point list with lots of items that I planned on buying. My husband wasn't so happy that his beloved Edies Ice cream was not on sale so he suffered and took the cheaper 2 for $5 Ingles brand. We spent a lot over the holidays and I really really wanted to save on as much as I could and still eat good. I can probably make this haul last for 2 weeks with eating left overs and eating out some. Anyway, sometimes it really pays to shop the sales! Hope you enjoy!

Total Price 167.15

Do you shop the sales at your grocery store or do you just wing it!? Let me know!

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