Afternoon from the sunshine state! Its wonderful weather here and I am soaking it all up by the bucket loads! This is so much better than the cold depressing days back home. Why do we have to go back? Oh yea, husbys job and all the animals. I am so ready to go home and pack and move us back down here. Anyway, while I am in dreamland, I thought I would check in with you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas Eve and a very Merry Christmas day! For us both days are huge so we have plans coming out of our ears over the next couple days which should be interesting! I hate to say it but we leave here Thursday because Scott has to be back to work on Friday. I will not even begin to tell you how upset that made me. We rarely get time with our family and his boss couldn't let him have Friday off so we wouldn't have to rush home. But that's not the case. You would think that they would treat him better because of all the money he makes them but nope. We are having to leave early and no one is really happy about it. But we are not letting that spoil the mood one bit. We are still going to have a wonderful time and I am sure the kitty cats are missing us too!
Anyway, I have some videos coming up! Stay tuned and happy holidays to you all!
Anyway, I have some videos coming up! Stay tuned and happy holidays to you all!
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