Weekend in Review!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Monday Friends! I hope you are getting on with this cool fall day. This weekend we just didn't get as much accomplished as we wanted but we still had a nice time together! Fall is all around us right now. Leaves are falling, cooler days, comfort food were all part of our weekend! Hope you enjoy! This is a loooong weekend in review so relax and grab a cup of coffee! Also for the last few weeks I have been including each weekend vlog too..just for convenience in case you are interested in watching.


Friday was a pretty busy day for me. I woke up.. .got filming my new Holiday Planning Series video where I show how I stay organized during Thanksgiving. This system has worked so well for me and maybe it will work well for one of you guys too! :) I also worked a lot in my new planner that I really love. I will do a updated planner video sometime in the beginning of December but its working out great right now for me. I am so picky about planners but I really really love my new one! Also my little Jackson lost a tooth! Its funny because this past week I went to the Dentist to try to save my teeth and his is falling out. It actually looked good and healthy. I have to stay on his ass morning and night for him to brush his teeth but its paying off! The rest of my evening consisted of cleaning up the master bedroom and bathrooom.....then my makeup brushes. I normally spot clean my brushes through out the week with makeup removers but that doesn't really clean them well. So I spent my Friday night brush washing! Yea.. Not so fun but it sure needed to get done! And being I wasn't really doing much on Saturday it was the perfect time so the brushes would have time to dry before I would need them again.

Here's Friday's Vlog! 


Saturday came really fast for me. I was lucky to be able to lay in my bed a little longer and sleep in. It totally felt ammmmmaaaazzzzzing! Jackson stayed up kinda late Friday too so he also slept in which helped. God knows, dealing with a grumpy 11 year old is never easy. I kinda just piddled around the house UNTIL...I saw kittens running across my porch. I was shocked thinking it was OUR kittens...I run out there only to see 3 baby kittens shivering and scared. I got some food out there and ended up catching them. They were so scared and hated being touched. But we were happy to take them in. The love and support from the online community regarding these babies were so overwhelming. Thank so much. The rest of the night was running errands with Scott and being harassed by Super Cooper. He is a Golden Retriever which I love.. but retrievers always always bring you shit to throw.. it gets exhausting! 

Saturdays Vlog! 


I was a little nervous about bringing 3 more babies into our home. Right now we have 7 of our own including the 3 kittens...which was suppose to be the last litter. We have been talking about shutting down the cattery for a year and finding 3 more really didn't fit into the plan. But thankfully, he is a cat lover and didn't mind! 


I had all the hopes of sleeping in yesterday. However, I woke up for the sunrise and then fell back to sleep until husby woke me at 9:30 getting Jackson ready to head out. I didn't fight it at that point.. instead came downstairs and enjoyed a quiet morning while the boys were out. I was shocked because Scott did so well making the coffee. He's kinda a - dump it - kind of coffee maker. He just dumps some grounds in the filter and turn it...never measuring! Sometimes the coffee is so strong, it could just walk out the front door but other times its weak too. Yesterday it was perfect! :)  In the afternoon while we were taking off to run errands, one of the neighbors walk up and see if we had found any kittens. Yep, they were the neighbors kittens. I brought many things to his attention including the mom was pregnant again. He knew.. said she's had 4-5 litters. Scott and I both were shocked because that is probably why there are so many strays in our neighborhood. I also explained that they had not been handled.. and are covered in fleas. I had to give them back.. but its kinda sad. I am all for an outside cat if they are fixed...but we feed dozens of cats A DAY here and it could have been prevented. There is no way in hell that now with the amount of cats here, that this problem will be solved. There are too many unfixed cats here. It makes me sad. All the outside cats come to our house for food.. and watching from the windows are my very privileged kitty cats. We handed over the babies and went on with our errands. We did some grocery shopping, and running around town when all I really wanted to do is be home dozing off on the couch. I was exhausted by time we got home...it wasn't long before I was in the bath and bed.

Sunday's Vlog!


Happy Veterans Day to all have/are serving our country. We all appreciate your service and lift you in our prayers.

Happy Veterans Day Dad. I love and miss you. 

Sami's Shenanigans

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5 comments on "Weekend in Review!"
  1. I LOVE your blog! I found you through the Monday Morning Gossip link up. Your aniamls are soooo sweet. I honored my dad (a veteran) today on my blog too. Stop by and say hi sometime!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. Aw, thats a lovely photo of your father! My dad was a veteran as well.

    Sending lots of love from NYC <3

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  3. Thank you! I am following you back now too! I hope you have a great Thursday!

  4. I am also following you back Your Beauty Fix too! Thank you.. I miss him so much.

  5. Aw thanks to your Dad for serving and to all the vets.

    Thanks for linking up :)


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