Gosh, I can't believe that we moved into November on Friday. Its almost scary how fast time is flying by. I had some unexpected errands that took me away from filming on Friday.....which put me behind. :( And I was so hoping that Friday would be the day I got to sleep in. NOT!
But the drive in the early morning was beautiful. It takes about 1.5 hours to get to our old town where our Dr. office is. We have yet to switch. Jackson's Dr. pretty much demaned a visit in order to get his prescription refills. Perfect I thought. His teachers was going to eat me alive sending him to school without it. So we made a quick apt and took off. It was raining so we had to be extra careful but it was a beautiful ride through the country roads. Jackson did well at the Dr. I think he would have sat in the Dentist chair if he thought he wouldn't have to go to school!
I was so tired when I got back home from the Dr. and dropping him back off at school that I came home and fell right to sleep on the couch.
In case you are new here or don't know... I have been vlogging our daily lives for a while. We have enjoyed sharing our lives with each of you so much....if you want to check out other things we got into on Friday, enjoy this video! ↓
I was so lucky to be able to sleep in on Saturday. It felt amazing not having to wake up early to a buzzing alarm clock!
My daughter Brittany turned 12 years old Saturday too! She is growing up so fast. I am truly thankful for her. She teaches me new lessons each day. I am very proud of her. She is doing awesome in school, stays out of trouble and is growing up into a little lady. I still can't believe 12 years have passed already.
I also had a couple errands to run so I headed out in the early afternoon. I went by the dollar store and the grocery store to get a few household items that we needed.
Shopping was actually pretty nice. Jackson was shocked at how long I was gone. I had to go see Scott at work, then shopping so it took a couple of hours.
I did do a small haul that you might enjoy... here it is!
I tried this Asin Bowl that was really good. And most of the time I don't like frozen Asian Food. I just prefer it fresh but this little frozen meal was actually yummy and perfect to hold me over until I got dinner done.
This one was tasty and I totally enjoyed it. The cats wanted it too!
In the evening hours as dinner was cooking, I did a 15 refrigrator cleanup. I couldn't have been happier with the quick results. We had some science experiments growing in the back and it felt good to get all that out. While I worked on our dinner, I also took 20 minutes to pick up the frig.We had some science experiments growing in the back and it felt really good to clean it out. In 20 minutes, I managed to straighten it up.. get out all the old food and wipe it down.
It's not perfect but its better than what it was!
The rest of my evening was spent in my bed working. I stayed up a bit too late and the kittens just could not hold on! I have been working hard in my planners trying to get things figured out for the upcoming holidays. There is so much to figure out.
I ended my night after cleaning all the books and cats off the bed. Here's my Glam Gossip Vlog of what else went on Saturday...hope you enjoy!
Sunday Morning started with Jackson busting in the bedroom to wake me up. After the 3rd time, I finally dragged myself out bed. I was not too happy but I had got enough sleep so I wasn't so grumpy. I don't like mornings.. I barely talk to anyone until I have been up for a couple of hours but on Sundays I try harder to be kind. The kids and Scott are normally in a good mood Sunday mornings so I don't want my grumpy attitude to rub off on them.

The day started off easy with watching the leaves fall from the trees in the back yard. I so love little moments like that. Morning also included delicious coffee and CNN. Once I finally got up, I cleaned up the house a bit and then settled into some desk work. God knows I don't always enjoy it but is so necessary.
I find myself sitting there for 2-3 hours non stop looking at a computer screen and working in my various planners.
I finally got my butt up and made a delicious ham dinner. Jackson requested it, and it was so good!
After dinner, I relaxed for a bit on the couch and watched some tv. But it was wasn't long before I was up cleaning the kitchen so I could get upstairs to the bath and bed.
I finally got upstairs to my nice big hot bath. It was followed with laundry, hot tea, and a early bedtime. I knew today was coming fast, and if I want to accomplish everything on my to do list, I had to get some sleep. Here's last nights vlog in case you are interested!
I have another busy day ahead of me. I am still waking up but in just a bit I have to start cleaning the second floor and then head out... only to come back home in a bit to work on the first floor. I don't think the cleaning is ever going to end. It would be nice to clean the house once a week but we just can't do that. I have to pretty much clean some part of the house everyday. I also plan on working on a couple videos..
- Month in Review -
- Monday Mail -
which should be up later today. Can you believe in just a few weeks its going to be Thanksgiving.. WOW! Time is flying by!! I hope you each had a wonderful weekend!
K Jaggers

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