This week I am linking up with Randalin over at Harvesting Kale for her weekly currently Linkup. This weeks themes:
craving, waiting, remembering, liking, cooking
Hope you enjoy!


Well right now this very minute I am waiting on my husband to get home. He still has about 45 minutes to go...if there are no customers and then I am sending him to the store. So its going to be a while still. Hopefully he comes home in a decent mood and doesn't go to bed too early! But I am also waiting...waiting...waiting..on....

I think this time of year is when I really miss all our family and friends who are no longer with us. I remember them more during the holidays. I guess because I have so many memories of being with them during the all the big family gatherings and such. It took a long time to learn to live without these beloved people. I think its important to always remember where you came from, and who came before you. Every Christmas Eve, my brain and heart seems to go back to my grandfather sneaking my brother and myself a Christmas gift. He loved it.. and I loved him. I loved them all which is why holidays are often bitter sweet. I try now to focus on my kids but I always remember what it was like when we were all together.
I have really been liking my new Calender/Journal. I found this Christian Planner in my local grocery store - Ingles - in the book section. Its very soft which I like a lot and also has a good layout. You have your monthly layout and then the daily layout is in columns with AM on top and PM on the bottom half of the page. It has a ton of other features too that I will show in a updated planner video....probably mid December. I love planners and here lately I have switched a couple times but I am going to try to use this one for a long while!

Have a wonderful weekend!
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