Weekend in Reivew

Monday, October 14, 2013
Hello everyone! I hope you are getting a great start to this Monday Morning. I never like mornings, Monday or any other day. But I am here with my coffee doing my best to wake up and start the day. This was a full weekend for us even though Saturday started off pretty slow! This past week Brittany has been a lucky girl being on fall break at school but little Jackson does not get the same break... so we are left to enjoy the weekends. Hope you enjoy! 


I was lucky to get the house pretty much decorated this past weekend. We have moved a lot and some how we managed to loose a very important fall box. I was pretty disappointed by it. I searched high and low for that box and its no where to be found. I looked.. looked..and looked some more and finally had to just forget it and decorate with what I did have. If you want to see all the decorations on the 1st floor, feel free to watch this → Glam Gossip Vlog ←. It looks festive now and all things fall make me happy! 

Lazy Saturday:

Saturday I was lucky to sleep in and take the day easy. I just haven't been feeling that good so I stayed in my lazy mickey mouse shirt and lounged around the house with Jackson. Scott worked late and we had plans to see friends in our old town. So even though I started feeling really bad, I decided to go anyway. BIG MISTAKE. I was really suffering in the car and thought I was going to die. We ended up getting there and opted out of dinner at the Sushi Dojo and came back home instead. We lounged around, snuggled up and enjoyed some movies on Netflix. It was the perfect ending to a night of feeling like shit. Sometimes being held helps it all. 

Sunday @ The Pumpkin Patch:

I was determined that Sunday was going to be better if I felt good or not. I wanted to head out to the pumpkin patch and just have some fall family time. Who doesn't like searching for the perfect pumpkin and exploring a corn maze? We had a really good time out at Nivens Apple Farm. It was really nice doing something together as a family. Weekdays its all about schedules, school, and work and most weekends we tend to be lazy. But it was nice that we took a few hours and made some October memories. 


There was no way we could leave the Apple Farm without some goodies. I love love love pears so I got a jar of their Pear Preserves. We also got an array of different size and color pumpkins and gourds. And we also got a new door hanger that is sure to be welcoming to our friends and family! I just thought it was cute and so well priced. It came right home with us and found its new home to be on the front door! I love adding to my fall decorations each year and I think that is one of the reasons it upset me so much when that other fall decoration box came up missing. But if you want, you can watch Sunday's → Pumpkin Pickin' Day Glam Gossip Vlog ← before it goes live later today. Its already on youtube but you can get a peak before anyone else! 

For a week now I have been battling some strange and uncommon health problems. I am not going to get into it in detail but gosh. I need to feel better. I have been living on hot drinks, sweats, and just trying to feel better. It seems like when I get over one thing, something else pops up. I seriously have to find a Dr. in this new town....soon. I am hoping today is the day that I feel better than all the days of last week and weekend combined. Who knows.. I might just get lucky! 


Today I have a few errands to run, a house to clean and desk work to do. I wish I could just stay home but I have to run to the store to pick up a few things and run by the bank. There is no other option.. those things HAVE to get done today. I doubt I will get all this big ass house cleaned up today but I will at least do the 1st floor today and then move on upstairs tomorrow. I have some videos to work on for my Glam Housewife Life Channel today too. Yikes.. it sure does seem like to today is going to be stacked full. I am just going to do the best I can. If I start feeling bad again, I might have to reschedule a few things. Scott is also having a busy day at work too. He's got a bunch of deals to bill out and went in early to get a jump start on it. Luckly, he took Jackson to school so I was able to sleep in a bit. Now its time to get going so I can get as much done as I can!

How was your weekend? 

I hope you have a wonderful day.....sorry for the long post! 


K Jaggers

Sami's Shenanigans
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