Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup.. join in anytime! Hope you enjoy!
2. What's your treat of choice?
1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky?
My son Jackson by far. He is a worry wort at 11 years old. Yesterday we were driving to the grocery store and he started in with..
- What if this seat belt doesn't work and I die in this car mom? - Did you know that there are more kids killed in car wrecks than anyway else?? - I'm serious you guys... he is such a mess and thanks google for making it worse. My son is very eccentric. He's not autistic but he does have some odd corks that make every day a bit tricky!
2. What's your treat of choice?
Chocolate....always chocolate!
3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why?
We did carve pumpkins already...here they are!
4. In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language?
There are many... Puss and Ooze are probably my top 2!
When I woke up nose to nose with one of our kittens. I know it sounds simple but in that very moment, my heart for sure skipped a beat. It is so precious to watch the babies grow from minute they are born till now. Kittens always make my heart flutter!
6. Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Picket, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon, or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune?
I guess it would have to be Michael Jackson's Thriller but I also like Ghostbusters!
7. It was a dark and stormy night when our electric went out. Around here, we often have to lite candles when it starts to rain. The lights always go out giving normally giving us some much needed family time. I have been complaining for the past few days about how awful it has been living without internnet and tv when our cable was being repaired but honestly...its probably good it was out so we could all disconnect from all the social media and just spend time together. I dont think I would ever want to live that way full time but every once in a while its nice!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Good Morning Friends. Dawn has broke and I actually think morning came a little sooner today. Yesterday I was up at 6:45 and stayed busy all day long. I am hoping today will be a bit easier. I do have a few projects that I want to tackle today but the house is clean and I am on desk work today. And I am seriously thinking about laying back down for a bit. I don't know if I will or not but the idea of going back under the snugly blankets sounds ammmmmaaaaaaazzzzzzzing to me! I hope you have a great Wednesday!
K Jaggers
Awesome pumpkins! I'm sure your son's anxieties are a little tricky to manage. Kids have so much access to information (real and fiction) now that its pretty easy for them to find things to worry about. That's a tough one.
ReplyDeleteWith you on the chocolate!