*HOT* FREE Redken Curvaceous Sample Trial Kit (Includes Shampoo, Conditioner & Spray!)

Friday, October 4, 2013
Hurry on over to the Makeup.com Facebook page, “like” them and then click on the “Redken Sign Up” tab to score a FREE Redken Curvaceous Deluxe-sized Sample Trial Kit! Just fill out your information and be sure to check all three boxes (as indicated below).

Here’s what the deluxe-sized sample trial kit includes:

*Redken Curvaceous Cream Shampoo
*Redken Curvaceous Conditioner
*Redken Curvaceous Wind Up Reactivating Spray

Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery.

K Jaggers
2 comments on "*HOT* FREE Redken Curvaceous Sample Trial Kit (Includes Shampoo, Conditioner & Spray!)"
  1. Hello! I came across your blog At The Hop (House Honeys). I'm following you via Google Friends Connect and twitter. Please follow me back. Have a great weekend!


  2. Excited to get this freebie. Thanks:)


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